
Unpopular opinion I know, but I feel that a speedrunner using glitches is the same as a marathon runner who uses shortcuts. Its obviously not the way its meant to be done. Might as well pop a gameshark in there and just have it run the credits, game over 12 seconds.

Considering what an absolute misfire this season has been, I’m shocked Preacher is getting a second chance.

Yes the director makes the cameo instead of the pissy old man who poopoo’d the whole project passive agressively from afar.

Don’t tell apple that, didn’t they try to patent the “slate”, rectangle with rounded corners?

I think the dead baby boys were more disturbing but I forget this is gawker and that fake violence against women is worse that fake violence against men.

Thank fuck for that.

No one was confused and upset except a professional victim.

My first thought was Watergate scandal. Something way more influential than Zoe Quinn. The fact Nintendo had to point this out is sort of sad. Also it’s a little scary. If people forget, then history might repeat itself..

Another thing is that the rest of the scene makes it VERY clear that it’s a Watergate scandel joke. I don’t think the shit Quin went through is good (regardless of her quality as a person) but this is just ridiculous.

Nintendo shouldn’t have to apologize if someone intentionally took the joke out of context. The joke is clearly referring to the watergate scandal.

That twitter post intentionally took the picture out of context.

Throwaway jokes tend to be more aimed at popular culture and current events more than historical events.

Why Nintendo should have to say “Sorry this joke wasn’t about you” within two hours after anyone on Twitter takes offense—especially if the offense arises from someone who apparently has an extremely tangential relationship with an event from 1970s American politics?—is beyond me. Apparently you think Nintendo should

I hate to break it to you but besides a very tiny minority of people who follow gaming news day to day nobody knows about or cares about gamergate.

I had no idea that it could have been possibly referencing anything else other than Watergate and had to look up a Five Guys reference to make sure you weren’t talking about the hamburger place, not joking there.

It’s baffling to see that a person thinks a gaming company whole raison d’etre is to hide topical references in their games to annoy somebody, maybe.

This is why history must be forced on kids in school. That’s a reference to WATERGATE, the scandal that ruined Richard Nixon’s presidency.

The joke is based on the Watergate scandal because the dancing contest was rigged. The use of the -gate suffix has been part of popular culture long before Gamergate was even a thing. The name “ Five Fun Guys” is a “fungi” pun since they are 5 Toads in the group. The number 5 is a reference to Watergate because 5 men

I’m not worried about being taken seriously by you. I’m not in this to win praise or score points. YMMV.

Not to mention when he tried to get edgy and have Macbeth and his wife do the fridging themselves! And then we’re supposed to feel sorry for their pain or some lazy shite.