
$40?! A massive $40 for a night out for all involved? And you’re complaining over that? Here it’s $20 per ticket, without anything on top. Jeez, movie going audiences these days.

Right, cause Tintin wasn’t one of the best comic book films ever made... oh wait, it was, and you don’t know what you’re talking about.

I have no connection to it, they have no connection to it.

Did we watch the same show? They couldn’t even get the basic things about Jesse, Tulip, or Cassidy right, much less the tone. How in the hell does making Jesse’s dad a child beating priest fit in the tone of what Ennis wrote in the comics?

Sigh. Hopefully season 2 will switch showrunners to people who actually get the comic though. Season 1 was a colossal waste of time and talent, and especially source material.

Aww, you tiny precious little snowflake you!

Nope. It’s Faraci, and there are way better things to do with my time than read the ramblings of a bitter bully who thinks it’s a good idea to harass women and other critics on his free time.

It’s pretty expressly clear that she meant the troops. Especially since last time she saw Littlefinger he pledged that he’d do anything and everything, and then repeated it again here.

It was only because Sansa made a deal with Westeros’ devilish Littlefinger—a deal Jon never would have made—that they have Winterfell back

Tommen is more like a teamkill.

GRRM didn’t do shit like that.

I think being stuck in a cell, strapped to a stone slab, underground somewhere, with the knowledge that death isn’t going to save her, and with Frankenmountain looming over her, I’d say that’s pretty horrific enough.

They’ll never crown her Queen. She’s too useless, and way too much in Littlefinger’s pocket. At best, she’ll marry Robin, while shagging Littlefinger, and take over the Vale.

A review that uses MovieBob to back up its points? Well, at least the bar is set waaaay low.

I see you have nothing to contribute. Shame.

Especially since the next two lines of dialog are quite clearly about Watergate. The judge shuffles to the side to hand Mario a bribe and immediately says: “Remember, you saw nothing,” which in itself has been used as a pop-culture punchline over the years aplenty.

Which part of that was a defense of anything except common sense? I didn’t deny harassment taking place, I didn’t deny Kotaku not having anything to do with handing out a review for sex, I simply pointed out that what you said (that the original post had any of that in it) was untrue, and that there’s a good reason

Of course there were people that harassed her - it’s the internet. This is the same place that won’t go a day without someone making fun of another person due to anonymity. Heck, Gawker makes a living at it. None of that excuses the harassment. But when for example Quinn claimed that she was forced out of the

It didn’t. The very first thing in Gjoni’s post was “don’t go harassing people,” and others far smarter than me have validly pointed out that an ex airing out their laundry is nothing new - it’s just now used as an example of prime evil because the person doing so was a guy. Was the post overtly long and whiney? Yes,