
Uh, I wrote that. It’s right there. Why are you telling me things that I already acknowledged? It’s still stupid, and just one of the big things in the film that has the branded “I don’t know how Superman/Batman works” Snyder logo on it.

And she even got it wrong: people do like to see their superheroes deconstructed, but it has to be earned. Marvel split the breaking down and building up of their heroes over multiple films and years. It’s called storytelling - but if I have to tell that to the producer/director couple, I think I can see where the

One of the major plot points in BvS was people framing Superman for shooting (in the theatrical cut) people in a desert, or in the DC for burning them alive.

Riot is actually bleeding employees and players at the moment.

Not if the studios are building their own headquarters in China with deals in place. Maybe take your own advice next time and read what’s been written, you dolt.

Ah, I see, you have nothing actual to contribute because you’ve got your panties in such a wad over a person having character complaints over fictional female characters. Oh man, how do you survive in real life where actual women are criticized when they behave like idiots? It must be hard.

Wouldn’t listen to her about what? Her superior “he’s a big old meanie” advice? She didn’t have anything to offer, because it all came down to the lack of men and the perceived futility of the situation. Had she told Jon that there were thousands of soldiers on the way, they wouldn’t have gone with the desperate plan

Ah, the good old “you don’t like these characters, therefore you must be a misogynist!” argument that this new age of internet children have cooked up. Nope, sorry kid, you’re going to have to try harder.

In the news today: Tumblr being ridiculous.

Don’t you mean mainstream GAMING media? Because last I checked, it was people like Polygon and the Verge tweeting from E3 about how gamers are just violent and sexist people cause the floor show had guns and sexy people in it. Let’s face it, the media writes what the gaming media puts forward, and we can only blame

With people like Anita Sarkeesian in this world, you bet your ass that Bethesda is going to do everything in their power to avoid unnecessary drama and hide the nudity as much as possible.

At least you’d know then that it’s actually sexism and racism, instead of today where everything is sexist and racist, even if it’s just holding the door open for someone as you say good morning at the same time.

Your skills of argumentation continue to astound. No wonder you’re so confused about what’s going on in the show.

Aaaaand pre-order hype dead. One of the best things about the previous game was no season pass, and no stupid extra costs. Damn you, Ubisoft. You had to go ruin a good thing.

Seeing as GamerGate folks have been nothing if not consistent about praising good female characters in games, why would they suddenly get a kick out of making fun of one?

Uh, the Chinese market is booming, which is why all the major houses are opening up shop there. If anything, it’s the North American film market (especially Hollywood) that’s running scared right now because between audiences being divided by Netflix and HBO, and ridiculous thinkpiece-a-thons online about how

It happened exactly that way, directly in the episode. You should really watch them more carefully next time.

Oh please, she knew full well what and who Joffrey was, and yet she still went along with a public condemnation of her father.

Excellent arguing, not at all ignoring everything that happened on screen. Daenerys is a tool, and she’s done most of the screwing up these past two seasons. If anything, Tyrion fixing her messes and getting none of the credit for it has been infuriating to watch - especially with everyone still pledging their

And Universal is playing the long game, as more and more of their films are geared to appeal for Chinese markets, allowing for them to shoot products there and get a more stable foothold on the area. Just because there aren’t dollars available instantly, doesn’t mean that they don’t know how good the success of