
He didn’t misjudge the Masters, he misjudged how much of a threat the city would become in such a short time. He utilized the religious cult to create stability in a city that was falling apart - and it worked. It was because of him getting Mereen back on it’s feet again that the Masters even attacked, and it was only

Ah, I see you have been to the Sansa Stark school of military planning and childish pouting. The knowledge of an extra few thousand men potentially on their way and available certainly doesn’t change a bit in plans for military action.

Sansa is a useless plot device who has a fan base rallied around her gender. The moment her plot armor cracked after years of being nearly totally safe, everyone lost their minds. All the bad things in the show that have happened are because of things she’s caused for herself.

His generals didn’t beg him to do anything, they just said that this is what we have. Sansa fucked everything up by NOT telling them that the Vale soldiers have been alerted. You don’t think that knowledge might have helped in their plans?

She did, because she had been promised “anything” by Littlefinger, and she had expressly sent a message to him asking for soldiers. When Jon says that “nobody is coming” and that they had asked everyone, all she needed to do was say “the soldiers of the Vale, I contacted them” and that would have changed everything.

That was it? Really? Damnit John Logan, you went from having one of the best continuing series on TV to ending it with a worse finale than How I Met Your Mother and Lost combined.

What mistakes? He argued exactly what had happened - the city had thrived, and that scared the Masters. He had done the one thing he could at that point, and it wasn’t his fault that Daenerys was on her little excursion not to provide the Masters with incentive to stay the fuck away.

Arguably Jon wouldn’t have made the charge had he known that help was on its way. Rickon’s death just broke him, but the knowledge that they were outnumbered didn’t help. Sansa is responsible, again.

It’s because when Sansa tries to play the game, she plays it in a way that is counterproductive to EVERYONE. She was willing to sacrifice thousands, and potentially her brother, for... what? The element of surprise? She couldn’t have said, wait Jon, we’ve got the Vale incoming any minute now, I called them in. If she

Sansa deliberately did not tell him that more men were on their way, thus effectively making sure that hundreds, if not thousands of people died. Along with her previous choices of getting her father killed, fucking up Brienne’s quest to save her, and now this, she’s effectively the dumbest character to ever have a

More Bruce Wayne does sound cool, but this being Telltale I’m more worried that they’re once again promising more than they ever plan to deliver. Even with Fables they took the easiest way out most of the time, and the episodes went really limp after the second one. Their main thing seems to be great ideas, pitch

Nope, Drake ran away from the wedding between 2 & 3.

He doesn’t jump back in because “he’s bored.” If that’s what you got out of it, you either weren’t paying attention, or went in wanting to hate the man in the story.

I’m glad they’re still working on it. The game was one of my favorites from last year, and I can’t have enough slug-cat in my life.

“Quick google” means exactly that, that I refuse to devote time to researching something that is inherently stupid. The same way that I can dismiss the Bechdel test off hand, because it’s something that started off as a joke, and then spiraled into something truly hilarious as some people took it seriously. Same thing

At least the good part is that Shadow of Colossus has aged remarkably well, and is one of the rare few games that can be replayed again and again. So if (god forbid) this doesn’t turn out as good as we hope, there’s always the Colossi.

It took me about 30 minutes, while others took as long as 45 minutes...

Says the man who ignored everything else. I googled “female gaze” and the first stuff is TV tropes, Verge, and Kinja. But please, do go on about how others are so bad at things and living in your bubble where ridiculous concepts like gender gaze exists.

Amusingly, a quick google reveals nothing but more Kinja links, Verge, and Gawker talking about this. So I’m gonna go with: yup, still horseshit. Even TV Tropes grudgingly admits that these things are so prevalent, that we’d have to call EVERYTHING a gaze if we wanted to be accurate. You’d have a male gaze that might

Almost nobody in FF9 was human to begin with, so there’s that. FF10 had Wakka, who was a stand-in for Hawaii/Samoa, Lulu who was clearly Japanese, and then a bunch of alien/anthropomorphic creatures. FF12 had Balthazar as one of the leads (and probably more, I stopped halfway through because the plot sucked), and 13