
You’re making the assumption that everyone shares the same sense of immersion as you do - hence the “everyone should feel this same way”.

So, you’re saying that “this makes me uncomfortable, therefore it should make everyone uncomfortable”?

The basis of the suit is that America is an inherently corrupt nation with little or no law for the average citizen, and everything for big corporations.

Yeah, because those repeated shots of some of the main characters in leather outfits with no shirts on is clearly not the same thing, right?

Heavy Rain is a waste the moment you realize that the DM is cheating to make sure the game goes exactly where they want it to go. After that you can basically piss away every single scene (as some characters can’t die until it’s plot convenient), and it won’t matter a damn until the very last part - and those are just

So... like Hideo Kojima is right now?

What parts of Mission Impossible, Super 8, Star Trek or Force Awakens did not have real endings? Force Awakens might be argued that it didn’t, but everyone knows exactly why that is, and where it’s going.

All Nintendo really needed to say was “because it’s our IP, and we don’t feel like it needs to change the gender.”

The Orlando statement was classy, and well timed. It also didn’t require any other disclaimers that any reasonable adult knows and understands - entertainment and games has no effect on these shootings.

If they’ve had a history of making great films with great characters, why does it matter who was holding the pen?

He didn’t even “talk shit,” he expressed an opinion formed from YEARS of experience of working in the biggest, most respected animation house in Japan, and for that he needs to apologize? It’s bullshit.

Next thing you know they’ll reveal his mom is named Martha.

Except that Abrams make massively crowdpleasing stories that have actual endings, good characters, and a sense of fun.

It’s not empathy. They’re not doing it for anyone but themselves.

Hey now, if we’ve learned anything about mutant superheroes from this Mystique poster bullshit, it’s that each of them stands for The Big Issues and is obviously about that one particular issue.

But it did tell you already everything important without spelling it out for you:

Simmer down, Anita Sarkeesian.

I’m sorry that humor doesn’t work for you. The line for dour partypoopers is that way.

Why is there a vag-in-a-can on the front page of that newspaper?

1. The pay gap is closing all the time. We do not have a billion sitcoms like that, and those that we do make fun of the fact that the guy is a schlub, with the joke being that it’s inherently ridiculous a guy like him would ever be good enough for a woman like that. We CAN insult Hillary all we want, including