
One day it’ll be like the bigfoot of articles - only popping up in weird, blurry gifs with frames missing, with nobody quite sure where they first saw it, except for a couple of hicks who insist that it caused them violent harm one dark summer night all them years ago.

It’s not gaming news, it’s gossip seeking out to create low rate drama. Would you have heard of this game otherwise? It’s like the clickbait with Hatred - a completely worthless game that only got recognition because baiting got them a five minute spotlight.

The developer kept writing, but it’s not worth sharing. It’s all garbage.

Right. Paradis is in for the money and doesn’t want that flow to stop. She’s clearly wanting to protect an abuser.

This is hilarious. When it was the Woody Allen case, anyone who even remotely said something bad about him was automatically a believable source - regardless of whether or not they had had contact with him for decades. Now with Depp, he’s got his exes, his daughter, and friends all saying that this kind of story is BS

What? It doesn’t have a couch co-op option? Talk about a major design fail.

Releasing in October/November =/= releasing at the same time as in December. How is this so difficult for you to understand? Moving a film even a month in either direction already proves my point.

I did acknowledge your little films - they all were commercial failures, one of which ruined a franchise.

You seem to be confused what’s a big movie. I’ll help: Star Wars = tentpole, big movie, all quadrants. Gangs of New York = small audience, despite big budget, played mostly limited release initially.

a watered down Spec Ops: The Line.

but it was just sitting there!

OJ was never convicted, but you’d call him a criminal, right?

Ah, but that’s the story that the mainstream media wants to tell. Nothing to see. Nothing happened in Nevada. Just ignore everything and take the form of virtual democracy we’re offering you. Hillary 2016!

I’d rather have Trump than Hillary. At least Trump is an honest crook that’s predictable.

None of those were big movies. Gangs got pushed to that slot after it had opened in a limited release all over North America and Europe because the Weinsteins wanted to push it for an Oscar. Ocean’s got dropped there in hopes that overflow from LotR would work in their favor, and Nemesis was a flop that destroyed the

Again, it’s not Dylan’s voice - it’s Mia’s. That’s been something that everyone involved (apart from Ronan) has agreed on. Dylan, who lived 20 years under Mia in the same house, came out suddenly with a letter detailing everything EXACTLY the way Mia had claimed in the last custody hearing, right after Mia had given

It’s Dylan’s take after TWENTY YEARS of abuse and brainwashing from Farrow. It already started during the custody battle (during which, I might add, the judge acted incredibly against good conscience by waving away Farrow writing “pedophile” on Allen’s guest room door, and even adding stuff like ‘well, I think he’s

No, not every accusation needs to be taken seriously. All it takes is common sense, and the fact that everyone - including judges, experts, and one of Farrow’s own children - say that she’s fucking nuts and has only an axe to grind, to which she’s horrifically using her own child as a means to an end.

Wait, that’s not what it was? No wonder it was crippled. I always figured that the whole point would have been to put Hulk and Luke Skywalker adventuring together in Wonderland - otherwise, what’s the point?

Maybe she’s an adult who realizes that slander and accusations, especially coming from a crazy jilted ex, are not even worth the time to take seriously?