
Blake Lively, who stars in Woody Allen’s new movie Café Society, does not like rape jokes (but doesn’t mind working with alleged sex offenders).

Silent Hill?

Loved, loved, loved John Carter, and wish that it had a better success. Terrific adaptation of the material.

I had read the Native Appropriations article, and it was an utter waste of time. There was not only tons of supposition in it, but endless amounts of flat out lies and fabrications of what the movie included. The other article, Mic, seemed to just point out that others are totes OK with it, and the one person who


Does it help at all that actual native americans loved it?

Historically that’s how it’s been. One big movie dominates all others, and even to the point that studios will move out of the way from that big movie to make sure there’s enough audiences to go around.

THIS. So fucking much of this.

This is Jezebel. Gawker’s very own “everything is rape, and evidence is for the patriarchy”.

Insulting? How so?

I’m going to let you in on a secret here. Ready?

Calling a fictional magic school house Thunderbird =/= painting your skin red and hooting at a football game.

The director, actors, and cinematographer are waaaaaay slumming it for the material. I hope the paycheck was good.

You take that back, Pirates 2-3 and Lone Ranger are fantastic films. I dare you to find any other big budget filmmaker that can offer the kind of absurdity on screen that Gore Verbinski does. Every time people complain about movies playing it safe, I point to these three films and how everyone lost their shit when

That’s kids for you.

Or, alternatively, it’s an underground/nice/sub-culture(?) movement that started the moment multiple games magazines and blogs all started publishing posts about how gamers suck and are childish manbabies, right after a drama-shitpost occurred involving a developer and critic. That then blew up to bigger things, as it

It’s the piousness that’s the problem. The moment someone hides their evil behind a veil of religion, it’s automatically 1000x more hateable.

As JackBandit pointed out, this was a guy who was one of the Sokovian kill squads, and was not above murdering hundreds to make a point. The movie explicitly makes it clear that he’s motivated by the death of his family, and there’s nothing in it that even remotely hints at him feeling guilty over some random shrink

Sorry man, I know it’s tough, but face it - what you’re trying to say is not supported by the film in any way, shape or form. What is supported, and flat out stated, is that it’s his wife talking about his child, which is his motivation for doing everything. You can decipher all kinds of things you want about it, and

Also Cap even says to Tony that Bucky wasn’t in control and he was forced into it, to which Tony replies “I don’t care.”