
Fear not, Drew. As Deadspin’s 11 diehard European soccer fans will tell you, Billy is almost always wrong in his assertions and predictions. No national team might be favored to win the Champs League, but the best certainly would be favored to get out of the group stage and could do some damage in the knockout rounds.

Without the Chicken Tax, I’d be most excited for the AWD version of the Ford Transit. Given they’re on sale in Europe, I suspect that they’d be at least order able if it wasn’t for the chicken tax.

This actually could be really cool if they race it against the Raptor in the factory stock class (that they may have made up for the Raptor) in races like the Mint 400 and Baja 1000.

Can’t you generally legally import a car that’s already for sale here as long as nothing is different enough to change emissions/safety standards? So he could import a right hand drive Jag rather than the lhd one suggested. It’s already been through crash testing and the like.

Great story and I love it when distributed communities come together to help one another out. It gives me hope for the the world.

You do realize that Salah didn’t hurt the arm that Ramos grabbed to pull him down with him, right? If Salah doesn’t hit in a 1 in a 1000 unfortunate way, it’s the same challenge you see 15 times a game. But as he got hurt and it was Ramos, you get rants like this apparently believing that Ramos has some sort of voodoo

They’re just not as well built to win leagues as they are to win the CL. They’re not really that great at breaking down a side that is bunkering against them and they get oddly complacent when playing with a lead. They seem to look past smaller teams.

I don’t imagine too many people who are going to buy the Raptor are doing so as a towing/work truck, though. Ford has much better models in their line up for those applications.

But this isn’t a CPO. KBB on a private party sale of a very good condition 2014 Fiesta ST is $11,083 - $12,949.

Reasons I prefer Madrid among the Spanish giants:

I thought the most impressive series of “Well this is my game now” moments was when he just took Lance to the post like three straight possessions, then they switched a larger defender on him (Bogdanovic I think) and he hit a long two right in his face.

You realize that despite your argument of money-fed capitalist replacement the soulless avatar of capitalism hasn’t really had much roster turnover over the last several years and have spent much less than their European rivals? Certainly less than your “philosophically driven” Barcelona.

This thing actually doesn’t look that big to me, just bloated. It’s like someone inflated a CUV.

I’m just excited for the classier next generation Transit Connect!

I’m confused. His “impossible play” was adding some flair to one of the easiest scoring opportunities in basketball?

A lot of new down products are actually treated so they absorb less water, dry faster, and retain some loft when wet. I wouldn’t take them rafting but they’re notably. improved from even five years ago.

I really like the Flex. It was just a bit above our ideal price range if we didn’t go super high miles.

I literally put a deposit down on one, read a bit more about the just available small overlap crash test, and backed out in favor of a Transit Connect for my “Here comes a house and baby!” utility car. It drove really well for what it was, but having just read the test results, I could never have lived with myself if

True, particularly on something like a Honda Fit that depreciates slowly. Still, he did say that he didn’t have any money at all when he needed to buy, so I thought he might not have put any down.

I don’t think your thought process makes total sense. The car would have depreciated the same amount whether you took a loan or bought it outright. Basically, you paid $835 in installments for the ability to buy a car right away.