
I transitioned to mountain biking at about 30 after dirt biking in my early teens. Mostly I just rode around the woods near my house seeing how large of logs I could get over. Turned out to be a huge help with the mountain biking.

A lot of people have criticized the choice to bring her on, but who better to have around if your campaign is about to be going through huge layoffs?

He acts like the car came free, but I was able to talk my dealer down to $114,000 for the app if I forwent the car.

What if they’ve previously fucked a stranger in the ass? How about then? I hear it’s the impossible to mess up thing to do.

I’m confused about the need for the crank poppers. I make popcorn multiple times a week in a heavy bottomed pan. After swirling the kernels a bit to coat them in the heated oil, I just leave them and they pop. What does the crank do?

I’m confused about the need for the crank poppers. I make popcorn multiple times a week in a heavy bottomed pan.

The should teaches WADA for Russian these suspensions.

Though on the downside, rides terminating at the dealership are always subject to surge pricing.

This is perfect. With 4-5 Jag/Land Rover owners linked in a carpool, on any given day, one of their vehicles is almost certain to be functional.

What about popcorn?

I didn’t think think the second half was bad to watch at all. Madrid’s first goal in particular was a nice movement/finish and worthy of a Clasico.

They do and have for a while. The last generation Focus RS, for instance, was a sub-6 second front wheel drive car.

Great narration from start to finish. I’ve commented on it before, but I really enjoyed reading about this project.

I’ve always felt the same, but I’ve never been on a big adventure bike, so I’ve always just chocked it up to that. I’ve ridden some pretty crappy roads on a XS650 and a Royal Enfield. I can’t imagine using all the suspension travel on these things unless I was really blasting through a stretch that had been recently

They’re currently operating under the influence of REALLY wishing they’d posted an “alleged” Hulk Hogan sex tape.

To be fair, neither can many Lamborghinis.

Just to clarify: the accusation is that the rape took place, the woman left, then came back later that night and slept over (not having sex again).

I’m eagerly following your saga. This type of post (guy fixes cheap car for a mission) is one of the reasons I read Jalopnik.

I’m a certified minivan lover (I own one and don’t have any kids yet), but I agree, it might be a hard sell in the US. I am surprised that there aren’t more in other countries though. Traveling in Asia, it seems like wealthy families often own a minivan or minivanish vehicle as well as a sedan.

Did you see this game? Love played extremely well. After this dunk, the Cavs went on a a run that just buried OKC and ended up blowing them out. The majority of that was down to Love who played really tough.

I think what’s wild is that MLS has grown to the point that non-designated players can snag state-level pageant queens.