
Step away from the keyboard, Mr. Takata...

Madrid should sign him so as to finally fill the role of dearly departed Guti.

I agree with most of your complaints, but Pique has been pretty lousy this year, or at least not consistently good. I wouldn’t elevate him over any of the other Barca players and certainly wouldn’t put him in the Top 20. He seems to have fallen victim to the curse of the athlete celebrity marriage.

A bartender once challenged me to a whistling contest? Was it ok for me to have whistled at him then?

I’ve wondered if it’s related to the difficulty of ascertaining the condition of older/classic cars. With a new car you know that it’s new. Or a Mitsubishi. With older cars, you have a really wide range of conditions. I wonder if that makes them nervous as they can’t get a good bead no how much the car is actually

Unless you have a Ram, in which case, you’re going to have to need a slightly smaller boat.

VW corporate: Introducing the all new, zero-emissions, ELECTRIC MICROBUS!

This is pretty much the story of my life.

I rented a relatively new Royal Enfield last summer when visiting Ladakh, India. Power wasn’t amazing but it was adequate (and that could have been due to pretty thin air up at 12000 feet). Overall it seemed like a competent, standard bike which was easy to ride and I liked the looks of. I really enjoyed riding it and

I understand your confusion. Usually it’s pretty easy to determine the mechanical problem when it is related to the mechanical parts being surrounded by flames.

Did you miss where the car in question had to pull over due to a mechanical failure? They figured that was close enough.

Given that it was the end of a half in which the team had been outscored 35-7, I suspect that the boos were more for the team in general than Winston specifically.

My dad rides a Heritage Softail. He enjoys somewhat turny roads, but isn’t a canyon carver. He rides thousands of miles though and will take 6 week trips that take him the entire way across the country. He wants something that is comfortable for eating up miles and he thinks is cool. The Harley fits that. It wouldn’t

I keep my Fit’s seats down 75% of the time.

There are only 500 million Christians in the world who would like to murder/convert you.*

The ATS-V is a car you drive and you press and it thrills and frightens. You enjoy it for a bit, until you get a little foolish and the car reminds you of your failings. It is not here to help. It is here to go fast. It is here to wreck shit.

List of former celebrity owners who would make me consider paying extra for a car:

I wish there were a route menu option beside “Quickest” and “Shortest” that just said “Miata” and when you pressed it, it would send you on the twistiest/least congested route that would eventually reach your destination.

My dad has a custom machined lollipop holder on his Harley Dyna Wide Glide. ha

I always thought that the ultimate Wrangler commercial would be a staged Consumer Reports “SUV” test where it showed the well-reviewed competitors going over obstacles like parking lot puddles, 2x4s set on the ground, and a gravel driveway in front of a big rocky hill. A voice over would read all the terrible things