Berlin a Warsaw En Un Tanque!

There’s just a lot of rage going around. When the Web first appeared, everyone thought how wonderful it would be to bring people together. They were talking about international borders coming down and humanity finally working together to solve problems. I am not kidding or being sarcastic.

I think what is missing here is the 10 minutes of footage where the Cobalt is camping the left lane and refusing to move over to the right. Does not matter what speed you are going, you move over to the right to let others pass. Sure the reaction of the Malibu is still not justified but I definitely know what it’s

What a bunch of edited bullshit. This is what happened:

I can easily see what made them so angry. Yellow car driver was speeding, however Malibu driver wanted to speed even faster. Yellow car refused to get out of left lane. Malibu driver finally got a chance to pass on the right, did so, then cut back in front of Yellow car and smacked on the brakes to teach Yellow car

wait - it’s the brake checker’s fault, even though the woman who crashed went around the brake checker and was in her own lane when she lost control of her car and crashed? the brake checker is a massive dick, but the woman crashed well after she’d been brake checked, then she changed lanes, sped up and was probably

Now playing

Now I know where Chevy gets people for their commercials.

I’ve done this since high school...tends to make the aggressors far more aggressive. Wouldn’t necessarily recommend it. The people who are going to run you off the road for a perceived traffic slight are the same people who will shoot you because they think a homosexual blew a kiss to them.

I’d recommend not even waving anymore. Too many lunatics out there that’ll shoot you for even dumber reasons.

If someone wants to pass, move out of the passing lane. I’m preaching to the choir on a car blog, but go ye make disciples preach to the ends of the Earth.

Ragers brake-checking has happened to me two times:

Not all heroes wear caps, though from your pic you do. Seriously though, I cringe at all the mistakes.

Proofreader Man to the rescue! (sorry, it’s late and I’m procrastinating at work)

Totally agree. The brake check had nothing to do with the crash.

This is why I carry...a crazy person in my back seat. He handles the rage. And I can just relax and enjoy the drive.

AUTO PLAY VIDEO’S SUCK. there, i said it.

It’s amazing what happens when people’s monkey mind takes the wheel. I will never forget seeing an elderly man being interviewed in paroxysms of grief, trying to come to grips with causing the death of his granddaughter’s best friend, by running her off the road. The young woman cut him off, he honked, she flipped him

Edit: Didn’t realize the malibu was still in front. Thought it was the Grand Am because of the resolution.

Obviously, brake checking someone at that speed is ridiculously unsafe and a major asshole move in any case. But still, I don’t see how it’s the brake-checkers direct fault here. Surely he caused her to be more

Then you have to worry about the person being not well or weaponized. It’s been if we all just learn how to let things go every now and again.

What’s not to like about configuring the traction management software to allow more or less tire slip by the millisecond, creating profiles that after one pass lets the car learn the condition of the drag strip surface and modify the motor performance accordingly. Bro, can’t fix, wtf you mean there is much more you

“You owe me a ten second car.”