Berlin a Warsaw En Un Tanque!

I highly recommend Amica.

No, I purposely took the picture to show how many lights I could get on at once. It’s a joke.....the car is only for sale if David wants it.

It’s a solid suggestion - but whichever way you end up wanting to go with this, consider a slight change to the plan. Don’t just look for something in your price range and desired pool of vehicles in your neck of the woods, because the very reason you need a winter beater (you live in a place where there’s real winter

I think they have a good strategy of starting out with Audi interiors then probably finding ways to reduce the cost to make it work for a Volkswagen. The end result seems to be an interior that is almost luxury-quality with the differences pretty hard to notice.

I agree with everything besides better manual transmission feel. Maybe on the new WRXs but not the pre-2013 ones.

Yeah but... the Mk8 GTI is HIDEOUS! :)  It’s like a nimble gymnast went and got a desk job for 10 years then got fat and lumpy around the edges.

Happy to read a nice test article, and I’m glad the GLI looks better than the standard car.

God forbid if you graduate with Summa Cum Laude

You’ve gotta massage those types before they open up. You can’t just go all in right away.

Nice to meet you Mr. Dickspermass

Interestingly enough, VW isn’t the only German company doing weird stuff with their pre-production vehicles. MB did a similar thing with the 2011 smart fortwo Electric Drive in the US. 250 were imported to the US for testing. The Electric Drive program was only in Phase II where production hadn’t started and they were

$150? That’s a good deal. You must’ve gotten the Philly Special. 

Wentz was broken for like a year. Been off the bench for five minutes and Philly fans are all like “WHY HAVEN’T WE WON THE SUPERBOWL YET? BRING ME FUCKTOMB 2!”.

Not the time or place for this.

I know you want this to be true, man, ain’t.

Eagles fans are for damn sure disgusting sub-humans, but the dirty secret that everyone wants to gloss over - even and especially in Minneapolis, where I live and where Moral Superiority is everyone’s favorite hotdish - is that every sports fanbase are disgusting sub-humans. Philadelphia just has a (very, very earned)

FYI metalica is just Spanish for metallic. Which makes me wonder why this add is part of the article except that it is bragging about the metallic body so maybe it was just after the fiberglass period.

oh i mean at patagonia. From Panama to Colombia it used to be a ferry but lobby between local airlines & shipping companies killed it. Now if you want to cross with a car or a motorcycle (wich is surprising very common in the overlanding comunity, actually my brother who is travelling all over the americas did it two

At the hearing, the Sun reports, Hamilton was asked by the judge: “Why do you insist on playing your stereo so loud?”