Peter Gammons' Twitter

James Harrison will have none of this nonsense. Rub some dirt on it and get back to doing 1000lb hip thrusts kid

+1 Chet Steadman

You mean there are people on the internet who comment on things they don’t know shit about? Mind blown.

The people have spoken, please respect this broken democratic process.

I don’t think this dude understands how insults work, reminds me of John Cena’s character in Trainwreck.

Hockey McHockeyface

First attempt at fantasy sports ever back in 2002, finished 8/10

No sabía que teníamos un profesor de español aquí

I like the cut of your jib.

I want to be friends with the Latino players on the Rangers.

So are you still anti-air conditioning or have you caved?

At the bottom of certain posts I need that quote below, I’m no fancy city lawyer so would you please explains what that means?

If Lilly King were black would crusty old white male reporters be writing about how arrogant she is?

Ha! Yes he is, my wife and I have a new inside joke now thanks to Punchy McPunchface

I don’t drink so every time I’m at a social gathering people want to know why I don’t drink, this has been going on for years now and I’m getting tired of giving the same explanation. I want to come up with some ridiculous lie next time someone asks me. Suggestions are very much appreciated.

I just finished Stranger Things on Netflix, your thoughts on the show?

I was listening to local sports radio yesterday and Jason Whitlock was on giving his comments on KD and the Warriors. He said that KD was a frontrunner who took the easy road and because of it has lost a lot of respects among other NBA players. Meanwhile, Westbrook re-signing gained him a lot of respect with the

Man I was ready to shit all over this dude’s routine since Blake is slightly less corny than Dwight Howard on the lame ass mf’er scale but this was a solid routine.

Did Messi lose a bet? The fuck is up with that hair.