Peter Gammons' Twitter

What’s your best advice for how to play off a fart in an elevator. Just pretend you don’t smell anything?


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Can’t forget Nickelodeon Guts and the muthafuckin Aggro Crag!

Fuck yeah, that kid knows how to party.

If you could go to a sporting event with one other Deadspin/Gawker co-worker who would it and what sporting event would it be?

When Goose Gossage finds out about this, Brooks is getting one to the ribs his next AB.

Lost in all of this banter is that Ros is still smoking hot and she can ball.

Is crossfit the whitest “sport” on Earth? I saw some of the Crossfit games and it was whiter than Augusta National

If it’s been years then the answer is do not like Russillo

The commentary on Maradona’s goal by the great Victor Morales was better than the goal. I listened to most of the 1998 World Cup on my fancy AM/FM Walkman and the Spanish commentary was what hooked me on soccer. The passion is legit and as a pessimistic 14 year old it’s what got me into soccer.

I was reading an article to see what the new 48 team format would be like and I’m not a big fan. 16 groups of 3 with one 2 group games? WTF! Then I was curious to know how many more additional spots each region would get and saw this: Europe 16 teams (13 currently); Africa 9 (5); Asia 8.5 (4.5), South America 6

I’m not a big fan of cakes but everyone in my family loves then, especially the frosting which to me is the grossest part. Does that make me a weirdo?

I hope Hunter Strickland overdoses from nerve tonic and ends up with gigantism before the season starts rendering him useless. Seriously, fuck that guy.

The 1970s A’s won 3 World Series in a row and no one talks about it, if that were the Cubs or RedSox there would be ESPN 30 for 30s about it left and right. Where’s the love for the A’s? Why does it seem that the Oakland market seems to get no respect then or now?

Jahlil Okafor - Graduate of the James Harden School For Guys Who Can’t Play Defense Good and Have No Desire to Learn