
I think there’s a large portion of people who say to themselves: “Well, I’m not shaming them or ridiculing them for taking the photos/videos, so why can’t I look?” It’s not just that they don’t understand the concept public vs. private intent, but there are additional levels of rationalization going on. Like the

Sadly, I feel like that’s totally the case. Which is weird because it wasn’t like she cheated. She just broke the rules. But she’s never at the finales, she’s never on WoW’s youtube channel... I kind of wonder if it’s more an issue with the production team than it is with Ru herself? I can dream!

Oh Luhganjuh is awful, but I’d like her for television purposes. And having her under the microscope will either confirm she’s awful (like PhiPhi) or redeem her (like Roxxxy). Also if I could survive hearing “my cucu” a thousand times, I think I might be willing to take on the challenge of a few “maawwwmuhhhs” IF

Dream casting for entertainment dynamics and/or quality of drag:

I’ve noticed the fact Aja’s a New York queen seams to lead certain people ::coughs::NewYorkbasedwriters::coughs:: to give her a pass for what was just an undeniably god awful showing.

I feel bad for their kids. True, untrue, somewhere in between... It’s all just gross and sad for them.

The bottom bun is too thin and flimsy to handle condiments and vegetation.

Oh and you could also do a little first aid kit. Again, not glamorous, but having some basic allergy, headache, and stomach meds with band-aids, alcohol wipes, maybe even include a small sewing kit, etc. in a nice little box is really helpful, especially for someone figuring out life on their own. And, again, almost

Put together a shower/bathroom kit — robe, flip flops, basket filled with toiletries from shampoo, toothpaste, loofa, nail clippers, tweezers, mouthwash, q-tips, etc. and maybe something “spa” like for when she wants to treat herself like a clay mask or something. Kids never think to buy all the practical bathroom

This kind of comment is what I come here for. So many stars all for you.

Right? I saw the documentary about her and listened to this long NPR thing about her and I was like: “Am I square for thinking this woman is just a lying sack of shit who has no respect for what isn’t hers?”

Totally agreed. I’ve always felt that as much of a trainwreck as she is, she is trying not to be. She’s like the Tazmanian Devil. I wouldn’t let her near my life, but I enjoy watching her cute little ass spin.

When is it going to be safe to say that Jay Z, Kanye, and Beyonce - their music, their conflicts, their personal lives - are boring?

Putting “dysfunctional as a sack full of feral cats” in my rolodex. Thank you and all of the stars I can give are yours.

It’s why I don’t vaccinate my children.

The least stinky turd in the bowl is still a turd.

Damnit! I just made a list and totally forgot about how David made my skin crawl.

I actually like John. Alleged substance abuse and schmoozing aside, he doesn’t seem like mean person. Just loud and kind of sloppy. But call me crazy, I think I could have fun with him... Even though I don’t do drugs.

Kelly is ALWAYS cranked up to an 11 and it make it so hard to not groan audibly at the sight of her face or name.