
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! EVERY CHALLENGE WAS REALLY RELEVANT TO THE FASHION INDUSTRY! Especially when they had to walk a runway with their hands on fire inside a giant bubble in a pool through giant swinging pendulums onto a fast conveyor belt in six inch heels. These are real model situations.

Valentina’s rep has suffered since the actual show, but if you recall she worked very hard on it right up until she totally fucked up.

“Also have Ianka and Melania really been killing the style game?”

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

Tom King is the best thing that’s happened to DC in a very long time. Him, along with Tomasi, Gleason and Tynion, have revitalized the Batman/Superman relationship back from the dreck the New 52 put it in, and I could not be more thankful. 



This is so bad of me, but I’m working my 12th day in a row and haven’t had a turkey dinner yet so eff it: I hate  Emily Ratajkowski and I want her to go away.

Show biz makes my flesh crawl, and I’m glad I have a library card.

I’ll react the same way I would with literally any other accusation. I don’t know the man. One accusation is to be taken seriously. Many allegations against men with a (DOCUMENTED) history of misogyny / harassment, as in, on video, is much harder to question. In this atmosphere I don’t think we can ever rule out

How is Perez Hilton still a thing? I haven’t given this asshole a thought in ten years. Has anybody?

Yeah, while fast fashion has obviously cheaper and thinner material, they seem to last just as long as my other nicer clothes. There are a couple of H&M sweaters that I’ve had for at least 5 years now I think, through heavy usage, and they’re still in fine condition. I honestly have no idea what people mean when they

Absolutely. I shop almost exclusively at F21 and H&M simply because they’re about the only places I can find things I like at non-gape-inducing prices. (Hell, even if I weren’t worried about gaping at price tags, I occasionally find things I like at JCP or Macy’s. That’s it.)

Lol I spend SO much money repairing /altering cheap clothes that I adore and know I can’t replace easily. I’m psycho about clothes I love!

I’m trying to shift to buy clothing items that aren’t fast fashion because of the environmental impact, and because that business model encourages this kind of manufacturing. I know higher quality clothing can be made in the same awful conditions, but at least it lasts much longer and is sometimes made under better

I’m very critical of Wendy’s shtick but I hope she’s alright. The look in her eyes as she’s realizing that something is seriously wrong is a feeling I wouldn’t wish on anybody. Okay, maybe sexual predators and murderers. But definitely not Wendy.

Kim Richards is MISSING from my life. She is probably the funniest housewife. Even if she has a bit of a mean streak, and poor communication skills... SHE IS FUNNY.

The Statue of Liberty is falling. A sign of things to come?

I hope this article is satirical, cause it’s blistering hot garbage.

Is the young lady in the initial pic snorting Coke with a Chinese finger trap?