I was visiting a friend and we saw Adore live. She was 1hr+ late, drunk off her ass, horrible make-up and outfit (no beef with her aesthetic, but she’d done no work to prep) and her voice was absolutely blown out like someone touring with no real understanding of how to be a singer. We left after 15min. Gave her the…
Arguably robbed on her season but Alaska murdered everyone in AS2. #nothingbutrespectformyqueenofsnakes
It was gay porn star Jaxton Wheeler. The tweet told her to take a cyanide pill.
It sounds silly, but I swear calling the House and Senate can make you feel better. I’ve been in a crappy job situation since July, adjusting depression meds since August, and then “I just can’t” with the news, but I’ll tell you the one “high” I get - or rather, the one thing that makes me feel like I’m reclaiming the…
As someone with anxiety and depression, I feel you.
All the people bitching about this tax bill: How many of you have actually called one or more of the Senators who are on the fence about supporting it? Your own Senators?
Bjork seems to have shifted from “music as a means of expressing poetry” to “music as a complement to visuals” around the time of Volta... And I’ve honestly been pretty bored with her ever since.
Genuinely saddened by this. But.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... No.
Thank you! I was scanning to see if someone had the same reaction to that closer.
A few years back there was some kind of internal shake-up where a lot of people at IGN got let go and I remember it wiped out almost all of the women who worked on one of their podcasts “Girl Fight.” The layoffs essentially killed the show.
Pero approached Deputy Mrdjenovich with a large butcher knife and he refused numerous commands to drop the weapon. On two occasions, Pero lunged at the deputy while the deputy was attempting to retreat.
It’s nice to know that not even O’ Mighty God can do everything well.
I mean, I taught myself how to sew a button watching youtube. The buttons and extra string usually come with the clothes. A $3 sewing kit and 5 min on youtube or buying the ocassional stain stick isn’t time, skill or money prohibitive when compared to the level of effort it takes to go to the mall and buy something…