What the hell... Really?
Didn’t you mean: “Academy Award-winning Suicide Squad is the worst movie ever made.”
That always bothered me about Jeana too, but I think with Simon it was more that she didn’t want to believe it was a black/white situation because in holding it as “gray” it shielded her from a larger truth about her own life and how gross her husband’s behavior had been... Which is still fucked up, but a little more…
Very cool! I like the idea of contextualizing who you are/your story with additional info. I’m sure that was a lot of work and took a lot of self-reflection, so go you!
The Brooks drama ended?
Yucky teeth + he called his dong GERTH Brooks!
Amen. I just cannot watch Kelly. I hung in there in hopes of some kind of redemption last season and, nooope. Nobody was home. That bird is broken.
I think it’s because they’re all so lowkey (or outright) homophobic that anything remotely swishy in a man causes them to get their hackles up.
Lydia (a human snore) + Kelly (uncomfortable crazy) = no reason to tune in
Spain was magical. We went all over, but spent the most time in Barcelona and Seville and I loved both so so so much. So much. There is no doubt in my mind that if I could afford it, I’d keep an apartment or something in Barcelona.
This is so thoughtful. Thank you! :)
I haven’t smelled that one, but I’ll make a note of it. I was in Spain in April and there were so many orange trees that the air just smelled like the blossoms and it was heaven.
What are their names?!
Alternately, guy of my dreams comes in and says, “Wanna talk about dogs, food, and books then fuck?”
How do you feel about Kelly Dodd?
I was out with friends last night and we started talking about books and I got kind of upset that we weren’t more sober because everyone was so eager and excited, but too buzzed to really pay attention to what everyone else was saying...
I love history, but I’m not a fan of history museums for some reason. Something about having to walk around and continually re-engage different materials as you’re moving around is challenging for me. What makes a good one iyo?
What are you writing about?
I wanna know what your answers are! Mine: