
The Macy’s manager returned and told her the new price to go home would be $500. When she refused to do so, her credit card was removed from her wallet and charged for the full amount.

Right? the Suave Lion’s Mane is a good look for him.

DUDE. You fail at arguing. As far as I can tell we are on the same damn side. You completely misunderstood what I wrote. (And I also used the kind of services you describe as a student, so thank you for your service.)

The great thing about the internet is that assholes always out themselves. Good show, mate.

That last sentence of mine is my own experience as a current wheelchair user and former student who was told this by their campus ADA advisor. If you don’t like it, you can take it up with campus ADA advisors. But I can’t say I had any trouble as a result of following that advice.

OK, sorry I misread you.

with the number of potential triggers being staggering, it really should be on the students to anonymously provide this information to the teacher - just like you would need for any accessibility concern, except with anonymity as an added protection for the student.

Thanks for pointing that out, and btw, “wheelchair user” is even easier to say and type.

Goddamn. What a life of service that gentleman has put in.

Betcha there are still fans who will find a way to deny or minimize this.

Who knows if they’re even being honest about their membership at this point. Scientology loudly claims as a “member” anybody who ever bought a book or took a “personality test” at a sidewalk stand. If the NRA’s membership “includes” anybody who received a member card like that, or anybody who once joined even if they

A lot of the membership actually disagree strongly with what the spokespeople are saying, possibly because a lot of the membership become members when they purchase a gun. I had a friend who was given a rifle for her birthday, and she received a FREE membership without applying for it. Now she gets their spam and it

In a Fleurs du Mal kind of way.

Oh I’m anything but brave around alligators - and I have had a close encounter with one on land - but if you go canoeing in Florida, you are definitely going to spot some, so the key is leaving them alone and knowing when to get the hell outta there. I’ve paddled past them often and not had a problem, but I absolutely

“Do not taunt the natives.”

Yep. They could sell t-shirts.

“But it’s still less dangerous than Australia, so there’s that. Oh wait, our animals are less dangerous. Please exercise extreme caution with humans. Enjoy your stay.”

I took a northern visitor friend on a canoe trip on the Hillsborough River. We passed within a few feet of multiple gators. She was gobsmacked. “It’s right there! You can see its eyes!” Yep, this is their turf, hon.

I haven’t been able to find my favorite, which was something about a moldy circus peanut, but seeing somebody’s gif down below has inspired me to humbly contribute a new item:

Now playing

They’re now promoting Donald Trump’s presidential campaign as well. Even bestowed on him a “Camelot Castle Knighthood.” Ugh.