
All of the things you said here, with extra sprinkles.

Where I come from, we know aaaallll about Tom :-)

He just did. Not his fault if they don’t realize it because their eyes are so acclimated to living in the dark.

I was just sitting here hoping this will become an episode like the legendary Finland one. PONY BROOM AMERICA! PONY BROOM AMERICA!

I’m with you. I can’t find any entertainment in this Living through that whole disaster shitshow was extremely painful for me because I came from a family where my mom had to run for her life with me and my little brother and hide out from my dad. The widespread, loud, prolonged acclaim for the acquittal was

I do this with Israeli (pearl) couscous too. The flavor difference is like night and day!

I buy meat in bulk and prep it completely up to the point of cooking, even portioning it in the amounts I’ll want to use it in eventually. Then I freeze those nicely cleaned, sliced/cubed, measured, uncooked portions. On the day I plan to cook, I just pull the right amount out of the freezer, thaw it and dump it

I would be so happy to see a mashup of this and the LiLo Liz & Dick montage of a couple years ago:

Wheelchair user here. Wish every able-bodied passerby was as smart/intuitive as you :-)

This is so good I’m tempted to print it out on little slips and hand it to people who grab my chair and push without even asking.

I can see having a joint [whatever] account, because sometimes when a couple are your friends, you just want to get in touch with “them” or one or the other of them, doesn’t matter which. Same for household stuff, you often have to give some sort of contact info and this way both partners see the upcoming statement or

Later, Bacon eats three tablespoons of “soft and chewy bee pollen” and some “activated cashews”—Scientologists, probably?—

Yeah, thanks. Margaret Thatcher wasn’t exactly female-friendly, was she?

I am just sitting here watching this gif.

Bless her heart. I can’t imagine what it was like to listen to this in the aftermath and realize what she’d been through while she was out of reach of loved ones or any help. This makes my blood boil to hear about it now, as a complete stranger, years later. I’m glad she had you to turn to.

That was a case for filing an immediate police report AND a subsequent lawsuit against the airline because the flight attendant failed to protect her. The fact that she was a minor at the time is even worse. Just because you’re not on the ground doesn’t mean laws do not apply. If they were flying from one state to

What most of this seems to come down to is Bill O’Reilly being pissy about being beaten by a woman

Oh please. What a pompous, self-important diatribe. Piss off.

Would you happen to be a guy? Because if so, you may not know that most women have had the experience of asking a guy to do something (like provide good customer service) or asking a guy not to do something (like refrain from sexist crudity) and not getting the same response that a man in the vicinity gets. Having a