
One called her “Hitlery,” the others were sexist as hell.

To hell with “won’t you consider,” tack a “snow charge” on that sucker and pass it on to the delivery person.

I was in Florida once when it got one inch of snow. Nobody moved until it had melted.

The article says it was the only nutrition source. The baby started off on dairy milk, developed a rash and they switched to almond milk, and attempted to also feed pureed fruits and veggies, but the baby refused everything but the almond milk. And then the parents, instead of checking back in with the doctor, just

LOL I hear you, I’m heading from Florida to Ann Arbor this weekend, and I’ll get to wear sweaters and layers and stuff, but apparently will not experience the Snow Day of my dreams :-(

I can’t find a clip of it, but what they remind me of is a worse version of that children’s choir singing the Blaine Sesquicentennial Celebration Song in Waiting For Guffman.

I think it’s great that they seem to survive this kind of thing, but I’m damned if I can understand how. Good for them.

My mom was behind a truck and a metal safe came unstrapped and tumbled off right at her. She dived fast enough to miss it, but doing that sent her into a ditch. She was mostly okay, but it’s not fun to get a call and ten o clock at night from the sheriff that your mom’s “been transported to hospital and we have no

Reasons why the last two on this list should be switched:


I am thinking I am kinda glad I am not the child of, or the spouse of, Angry Hat Pajama Man.

I met my now-husband in the university cafeteria on my first day of grad school, and now I feel like some kind of weird alien.

This year’s Bush Family Thanksgiving Celebration is going to be the most awkward one ever in so many millions of ways.

Yeah, it’s too bad, he’s so funny and adorable when he wants to be :-(

He was thrown out of a nightclub for sexually harassing a woman (not anyone he knew or came with, he just saw her there and latched onto her). He also had a rep in the LOTR days for grabbing the breasts of female autograph seekers, without regard to how they felt about it. “Drunk, grabby, alternately charming and

Even in its current state though, I am completely baffled as to why Anderson Cooper continues to do this awful New Year’s shtick. WHY? He doesn’t need the money, he doesn’t need the exposure... and I can’t believe he never wants to do his own partying for once.

I also think this is true, which is what makes Emo Kylo Ren so perfect.

Beat me to it. Damn straight she’s on TV and you’re not, dude — she’s the First Lady of the United States and you’re... David Spade.

Scientologists are well known for their embrace of myriad types of expensive pseudo-medical woo, including “muscle testing” and their very own brand of touch known as “assists,” not to mention shady nutritional supplements of all kinds. They even have their own FDA-disapproved “detox” program involving weeks on end in