
Ugh. I looked, and now I feel like I need a bath.

He probably thinks he has has the greatest hair and complexion since... George Hamilton.

I used to believe that television was a real thing that let you look in other people’s windows and see what was happening to them, for one half-hour a week only. I think I made that up myself, though, not a lie from someone else. I was three.

The Lord laid it on my heart that He is fully on board with this.

Oh dear. If you land at JFK, expect to take an hour and 10 minutes to drive (or rather, ride a bus) from one airport terminal to another in order to reach your connecting flight. I wish I were exaggerating.

Now playing

Eh, still less sophisticated and less fun than:

2 pounds 11, and both my parents told me I “looked more like a squirrel than a baby.”

December 25th was okay, though.

Soooooo.... Victorians pronounced “shovel” to rhyme with “Owl.”

That, and his father wasn’t as despised a governor as Poppy Bush was a president.

He’s making Mitt look smooth and glib. Who’d a thunk that was possible.

I visit friends in Ann Arbor frequently. The first time I heard a UP accent I stopped, turned and gawked until my friend gently tapped my elbow.

Former linguistics student here: EVERYONE has an accent. There is no such thing as not having an accent. Accent-free speech is what does not exist. It’s difficult for people to hear their own accents, especially when surrounded by others who have the same accent. This is why most people, wherever they’re from, think

You made me think of a quote from Snape — that one about how in Defense Against the Dark Arts you’re fighting that which is always shifting, ever-changing, always popping up in a new place and taking new forms.

(sorry, just seeing this post today)

I had it and regret it. I’ve been tormented with dry eyes ever since, and in one of them the vision is still blurry — and the surgery can’t be redone. The blurriness is a fairly rare outcome, but dry eye is extremely common and they don’t warn you how bad it could be. It sounds like nothing, but it can be agony — and

1. This post was up and active before the shooting was reported.

I converted to all-maple-syrup pecan pies a few years back and I’m never going back. Whoever started the corn-syrup thing is a traitor to America.

I made little pear-ginger hand pies for yesterday. Which means that the leftover ones can be effortlessly reached for while boiling a few eggs and making coffee, which made today Pie Before Breakfast Day at our house!

Sterling work, Anna. If you’re accepting reader suggestions, may I also suggest “microwaved antique circus peanut.”