
She’s absolutely being exploited and doesn’t realize it. Not that I feel sorry for her in any way; before other people were using her for bad things, she started her own very bad thing. She deserves what she gets.

Also, “new-kuy-lar.”


Lil’ tiny part of me thinkin’ that she totally was hired on that bullying video project (because of course I believe him and not her) and imagined to herself that doing this fat-shaming video would make for a neat bit of free promotion for both the video and herself. Because she may be trying to be as mean and trolly

As a person who hates the use of “cunt” as an insult, I’m saving that (with a big grin on my face).

Fantastic writing. My own life is an example of the “whitewashing” process — I’m white, born and raised in Alabama, and I discovered this expression for the first time ever here, in a Jezebel article.

I forwarded the stylus video to a professional artist friend of mine. His response: falsetto giggling.

Ha, thanks, no, just an ex-English teacher whose vivid memories of that place will never fade. Nobody enjoyed working there, but I can’t not remember it fondly. I will say I do not miss combing wonton flakes out of my hair.

This was in the 80’s, so she was way old enough for that, yeah.

Yes, this was what we always suspected, especially as we had trouble even seeing her feet under her clothes. They were definitely upper-class, so that adds to the probability. If the binding is “successful” enough, the damage is enough to prevent walking unaided at all; she obviously wasn’t that bad, but the anomaly

No karaoke somehow! But they did have a rotating mirrored disco ball, a dance floor that lit up in different colors, and all kinds of garish “dragons” and “oh-so-Hollywood-Chinese-y” decorating touches to go along with the already over-the-top carved lacquerwork bannisters, fake pagoda banquets, cherry-red carpeting

Me. I actually don’t think anyone was sexually harassed at my restaurant. But that was because it was a Chinese restaurant where all the female staff were white American waitresses and all the male staff were undocumented or otherwise illegally employed Asians who spoke little to no English and had every incentive to

THANK GOD she wasn’t on that sort of wavelength. (If she’d had a son or grandson, she would never have let him marry a white girl.) She actually did this with all the new waitresses in turn; if I’d realized that, I would have talked back to her sooner.

OMG Rachel’s story makes me need to share my Chinese Restaurant Terror Lady story:

The great thing about this headline is you can use it anywhere on the planet, in relation to almost any halfway controversial issue. It’s the ultimate one-size-fits-all headline!

“BURN, man!” —ftfy

Exactly. Why does he need to go out of his way, apropos of nothing, this late in the game, to trash rape victims and defend poor, defenseless, powerful male comedians?

Oh sure, absolutely. Just being cynical about whether on-the-field violence even against a ref will be treated as seriously as it deserves — i.e. as a criminal matter rather than a sports-related or “disciplinary” matter. If two teens walked up to some guy — or even that same guy — on a street corner, apropos of

Right? The only valid reply to “I’m a Man Going My Own Way” is “BYE.” Or “GODSPEED.” Or “MAY THE WIND BE FOREVER IN YOUR SAILS.”

Try re-reading that comment. I don’t think it says what you think it says.