Uhhhhh.... So... so.
Uhhhhh.... So... so.
Your objection ultimately is that people are stupid and won’t listen to your side.
What you’re essentially saying is that defamation shouldn’t be actionable. You might feel differently if it were you who had been defamed.
I was being a bit facetious. (OK more than a bit). That said, the way the law is worded, it’s practicably impossible to hold politicians or their campaigns accountable for blatantly and deliberately deceptive statements — read, outrageous lies — except in the court of public opinion, even when they are so…
Right? Can they be charged with that, or is it untouchable because it was “part of the football action,” the way politicians can straight up defame their opponents with impunity if it’s part of a campaign ad and thus “protected political speech”?
Oh dear. Husband does dissection lectures. I fear he may want these if he sees them.
Check out the video - he lines up for the play with his teammates, goes down, and gets up disoriented and staggers into the midst of the Bama players. He really didn’t have to travel far, just a few yards. Just didn’t know where he was or what he was doing, obviously. Yeah I hope a concussion is all it is.
Go peek at the website posted in the song... nope, they’re sincere.
I have waited tables and done customer service, and it rings hella true to me.
That would include at least one current candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.
I’m just gonna assume she tried to pull the door open on her way in.
The only thing that could have made this better is if, after walking into the door, she had fallen off those shoes.
I know how you feel. I had a good friend who got hooked on Fox News and we always avoided politics until one day he couldn’t hold himself back and started a topic. I kept a polite neutral face as long as I could until he pulled out what he thought was an argument winner: “But what about that time when____?” (honestly…
So, did anybody else abruptly lose the ability to download files? No error message, no “Save As” dialog box, just no visible response and a faint green bar sloooowly stretching into infinity on the taskbar icon.
Cool, tomorrow will be fun on Fox News :-)
Seriously, as far as I’m concerned they may as well be inciting domestic terrorism. They’ve certainly inspired enough of it.
I said this to my husband the night Obama got elected. I’ve never been so horrified to be so right.
Condemned. Not just condemned, actively combatted by legal, judicial and socioeconomic means.
Serious nostalgia pangs you’re giving me here.
Umm-hmm. He’ll give his life, but he won’t give his gov’t salary.