I can’t think of a mainline church that DOES consider it a sin. They discourage it generally, but will sometimes help with it if it seems needed — for example, with domestic violence cases. Even the Catholic Church doesn’t consider it a sin to divorce, acknowledging that sometimes it’s necessary. They only consider it…
This. All the THIS. My mom nagged me for years that “you’re never going to get a man if you don’t ______” in spite of the fact that her own highly traditional marriage blew up in her face with nuclear force. The last time was “you’re never going to get a man if you insist on keeping your own name” and I snapped and…
A goose will straight up murder you just to watch you die.
It’s become a tradition to spend the last day in office pardoning convicted allies and donors. I’d like to see him put a new spin on exits by taking cannabis off the schedule on his way out the door.
-10 for give me fuckin’ job a a staff writer!!
You could always ask for it pan-seared/pan-fried. No grill marks and it’ll taste the same inside.
You have my condolences.
I have a theory that everyone feels that way, and you’re just the one who first burst the secret wide open. The world thanks you.
Thaaat’s painful. Could have been worse, though — could have been Fox.
Wait, what? I was brought up to believe that a wedding gift was never required, but a bride must give a gift to each bridesmaid. I’ve literally never been to a wedding where this didn’t happen. Normally, it’s the same thing for everybody — maybe jewelry that goes with the bridesmaid dress, or some such — but, still. A…
When I meet a Planned Parenthood employee I say “thank you for your service” the same way I would to a military person.
The people who think that are the same people who believe that birth control pills are abortion devices.
I want to live on Colbert Island.
Well, I’m not LGBT or an ethnic minority...
Thanks. Doesn’t look like I fit what they’re looking for, but I much appreciate the reply.
Really? What kind of children’s books? What sort of thing are they begging for?
Same! I rewatched the Paul Ryan debate just for the fun of it.