
I can’t remember the last time I used Miss or Mrs. In fact, the last time I remember even seeing them is the last time I opened my Miss Manners’ Etiquette Guide for something to do with writing letters or addressing invitations or some such. They just aren’t standard anymore.

Oof. Not sure I want to risk it without knowing I’ll get to keep the OS I just upgraded to. Hmm.

I’m eager to try this, but I skipped the Microsoft account stuff during the upgrade from 8.1. Can I be sure the “license” will be there after the reformat? I really don’t want to do the Microsoft account thing. I like not having my different accounts and things linked or synced.

I wouldn’t expect that YouTube video to stay up for long, the comments on it are exactly as brutal as they should be, and adding up fast.

Not everyone does. Sometimes the damage is permanent.

The Tom Cruise originally posted story with more indepth background is here:

He controls the purse strings, their careers, and much of their personal lives. He makes sure that everything in his family revolves around him, to the point of making his sisters and his mom move into his house. His mom actually left her husband behind to move out there after he’d worn down her initial resistance.

I just starred your comment without jumping. I’ve been able to star for a couple of days now. I don’t know why.

Dvorak researching this by talking to both women and men who are outside on their breaks away from their cubicles. Many of the women were “thawing out,” trying to soak up the warm weather. When the men were asked if the temperature inside their offices was too, they had no issues. How nice for them.

“Cady Groves, my little love
Cady Groves I say
Cady Groves, my little love
I’m bound to go away”

What do you want to bet that this genius thinks Obamacare is slavery for doctors? That is a talking point that I did not make up.

I’ve seen it, a long while back — either that or some other identical scene from a different black-and-white movie. I found it sufficiently grim, but maybe that’s because I already knew it wasn’t a comedy.

Six dollars? I mean, my late Persian used to twinkle her own tush, for free, just by snarfling a few stray bits of holiday tinsel.

Ha, yes, that’s the place — and Pentamere too; those two are my downfall. That, and the big ol’ kitchen section at Martin’s, where I always seem to find a gadget for four dollars that would be fifty-four dollars if I ordered it off of Williams-Sonoma. And then I have to squeeze it into my suitcase somehow :-)

I don’t think anyone really means “if only their own children get sick it’s all right.” People here are just very bitter about this, about the extreme selfishness of these parents, who talk on and on about how it’s only their own children who matter. So others take that ugly, selfish rhetoric and throw it right back

Oh, they’re worse than that. They’re openly scolding immunocompromised people and families with babies too young to vaccinate because THEY should be the ones who never leave the house. You damn sickies and weaklings are ruining it for the rugged, healthy rest of us.

I will never understand the militia thing, never. Tecumseh is a boutique village if ever there was one, but even the solidly upper-middle-class downtown coffee shop regulars had only-half-joking ‘coffee-shop-name-militia’ coffee mugs made up for themselves, because that’s what you do. WHY? Why aren’t you just the

*sigh* And this is what my mom was reading:

Hopefully the decent people at Komen who want to do real work against breast cancer can find jobs at other organizations which actually put a significant portion of the funds they raise into research and patient care rather than marketing, plush offices and “awareness.”

A good friend of mine died of breast cancer. Before she went, she asked me to do two things: “try to keep [husband] from doing dumb things now that I’m not there to stop him” and “boycott Komen, because they’re shit.” Husband’s doing just fine on his own, but I thoroughly agree with her on Komen.