
I spend a fair bit of time in Tecumseh for work, and as a southerner it was bizarre to me to see this sort of thing in the Midwest at first. Eventually I realized it wasn’t really weird at all, because what’s on display isn’t “southern pride” but the sort of bigoted libertarian gun-totin’ redneckery that fuels wingnut

If you’re Canadian yourself, you’re not going to hear a Canadian accent because it is your own accent. Nobody doesn’t have an accent. Most people can only hear other accents, unless they’ve had some training in linguistics or whatever.

Nope. I mean, you could say it, but it wouldn’t be an excuse. Alcohol in your bloodstream, you’re done. How it got into you is your problem.

Everywhere I’ve been in Europe, the reliability factor would be a non-issue because it’s zero alcohol allowed for anybody driving. So if you blow, all it has to show is whether you’ve had anything to drink or not.

I love the “Rick Perry needs a new pair of glasses” dig though.

That was no man!

This is Dolezal-calibre stuff here. Rare!


About the Scientology connection: they publicly claim to be OK with prescription medications, but internally, they’re not. They routinely take people off epilepsy meds and other mainstream drugs; even mundane ailments like arthritis, headaches and bad eyesight are supposedly caused by past traumas and unexorcised

I, uh.. am not judging.

And malt vinegar leaves them both in the dust. Fish and chips deserve malt vinegar.

Everyone knows I wanted more kids, to have a bigger family. Believing I was heading that way, I got ahead of myself. Things didn’t go as planned

I know you weren’t expecting this, but somebody has actually posted footage of this bear surfing. THIS bear.

Oh yeah he has. Scroll up!

Not taking potshots is a great tradition. Being useful after you leave office is a great one too, though; even Clinton’s post-administration work pales in comparison to that of Carter.

Goddamn. Thank you, Greg Howard, for being here, being a writer, and writing this.

Apparently it’s a hoax from a parody account. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN REAL MAKE IT REAL JOE MAKE IT REAL NOW YOU CAN DO IT


I want to print and frame this.