
Surya Bonaly. Bad. Ass.

So a tux, which covers one's entire torso, is somehow worse for "community standards" than the velvet-drape-cleavage-flaunting-thing they give girls for their yearbook photos. Or am I dating myself and they don't make you wear those anymore?

I pointed the show out to my husband last night and mentioned this article. "Huh." he says, "that ... seems like a reason to rate it up?" "Noooo because sluts!" I said.

Every time I see a photo, I can feel my eyes widen and I stop scrolling and stare. A visceral reaction I cannot control.

My thoughts, you thunk them.

Apparently it was originally a woman's hat anyway, so we're just reclaiming it.

Mr. Bells apologizes to me too, if I tell him he was a jerk in my dream. But I don't actually get mad at him once I wake up because it's not like it's his fault I dreamt he was setting my sewing machine on fire.

My dad wanted a Viking funeral when he passed away back in June. I feel marginally better knowing that the reason I couldn't seem to arrange one wasn't because I just didn't try hard enough.

if Idris Elba personally asked them to via midnight front yard serenade

I saw that tickets went on sale for the simulcast at 6am my time. I got up about 6:15, and the site told me "tickets are not yet available". So I checked back every so often until suddenly it changed to "sold out".

My baby sister has super-short hair. It has not stopped males 10 years older from hitting on her while she's with our father. Seriously. Right in front of him while they're having lunch together. And she was underage.

Not to mention he can pretty much make any fantasy happen and he's not going to get emotionally involved. ;)

We were told that if we falsified our log we would be expelled from the program immediately. I'm sure it wouldn't even have been that hard to do; we filled in all the information ourselves and just needed a clinician's signature on it. Heck, I could have just padded my already-completed hours to fill in what I

May I present to you my nephew, further proof of this statement:

Ditto. I don't even say "bisexual" anymore. I say "I'm a Kinsey 2." It's not perfect, but it seems more accurate since people seem to think bisexual means you like both genders exactly 50% of the time.

Professors hear SO many stupid excuses I think they just love when a student is honest about it. I had to tell one of mine I hadn't completed some observation hours that were required. The only mitigating circumstance was that we'd had a huge storm, and the schools I was supposed to observe at were all closed that

I took an upper-division Renaissance history course once. When asked to peer-grade papers, the one I got had "Renaissance" spelled a total of 5 different ways. At least she got it right one of them?

Haha you remind me of this story my dad used to tell. In 3rd grade they gave me a reading test and it came back that I read at a 6th grade level. In 4th grade, I had the test again, and it said I read at a 6th grade level.

I entered an online writing contest once where multiple entrants ran a google search for the topic (let's say it was "essays on cheese"), clicked the very first or second link that appeared, and entered the same poem. One or two of them even posted their entry directly below a person who'd stolen the same thing.