
Yeah, I'm like 10000% sure they just lifted those women off some costume website.

Wow I was going to tell my husband's story about his horrible racist boss, but I don't think it's even close to most of these.

brb renaming my dog

No thank you, I have a round round face and frizzy curls. I have tried it short, and I look like the business end of a Q-tip.

Furthermore, the other article I read about this said it's a crime in NZ for anyone to have sex under 16. Full stop. So why they're not being prosecuted for that crime, when it doesn't even matter what the victim was allegedly "asking for" is beyond me.

Speaking as a Jennifer born in 1973, I fucking cosign this. There were 6 of us in my 3rd grade class of 20. 3 of them had the same last initial.

I feel super trendy because one of the celebrities at Heidi Klum's party had the same costume as me:

I saw you on OMGthatdress! <3

My daughter is 16 and has never weighed more than 100 lbs in her life, but she got her period right about 13, and with a vengeance too.

I know a set of identical twins who didn't get theirs until 19.

Yes, acting like I've never heard of the internet is not the least bit condescending.

Well I'm rather sorry I asked a mostly rhetorical question about release schedules (which thanks to Kabooo! for actually answering) if people are going to get all condescending because I choose not to pirate my media.

Eh, I've lost count myself and I'm pretty sure it's less than 10. After awhile it just doesn't matter.

Hmm I was thinking of going to see my friend on the Hill tonight, but it sounds like a party I am Way Too Old For. I'll stay across the lake in Kirkland with all the other old yuppie moms.

I bought my daughter boy's jeans and shoes all the time. They're better made and more practical (a 3 year old in low-rise sequined jeans? Uhhh no thanks). Now she's 16 and will only buy men's/boy's hoodies and sweaters because "women's aren't warm enough". She's a tiny little thing, so they're huge on her, and she

Our pooch has decided the styrofoam tombstones in the front yard are dangerous beasts from the pit of hell. He took one look and lost his mind.

WHY do we not get this until January? I have friends in England and they're taunting me with their 5 bloody episodes in already.

Only if the dog has puppies. Having children is lethal in this show.

I think mine would be called I'm Supposed To Want To Reunite With These People Every Decade For the Next 50 Years?

Please come speak to my husband about this. He has no problem putting the seat down but I'm not sure he knows the lid even exists.