many bells down, now with .1% more pig

“On Zoom, nobody can hear you guzzle.”

For me it was surprisingly easy; Isla Nublar.

Then when I got the full museum and started walking around it it, I began to wonder if I had made a terrible mistake. 


Islandy McIslandface. Problem solved.

I challenged myself to name it the first pleasant thing I could think of, and I ended up with Breakfast. I couldn't have come up with a better name with a week of brainstorming. 

I’ve named mine Naboombu, after the island that all the animals inhabited from Bedknobs and Broomsticks.

Independent of each other, my fiance and I named our towns after each other’s hometowns.

There was much cooing when we figured it out, it was disgusting.

I was so surprised at myself by coming up with the name Ebbenflow for my island, and I love it! Warm fuzzies each time I see it. Makes me want to make the place extra calming. I’ve got an onsen on the secluded north shore beach, flowers of so many varieties by all my neighbors and adorning the cliff sides, and a

I think I am the least aesthetically pleasing cook in existence. Most of my food comes out tasting great, but my GOD it’s ugly. I’ve long felt like I should start a blog called something like “Holy Shit, What Went Wrong?” just to show people how hideous my cooking is.

Charles II did ok - 25 years post-Restoration (and he was sort of king before that, just not actually ruling.) He is viewed in a positive light, I believe, although his reign was too long ago for him to be considered popular nowadays.

Everything changed so quickly in the last week I feel like we've all got whiplash.

My brother was SUPPOSED to move in with us in February, but his cat got sick so he delayed the move and now he can't come. He's stuck in a house with his hoarder mother who rents out every square inch of the house so she doesn't have to work. Seriously, she's converted the DINING ROOM into a bedroom so she could rent

Ok. My sister moved in temporarily a couple weeks ago, and now it’s indefinite. On the one hand, we will eventually have a fight, which I’m dreading, but on the other hand, I’m glad to have someone to talk to and share bills.

Why did this one hit me so hard? Well done Scott! Scott 4 Prez! VIVE EL SCOTT!

I’m so glad to see this topic, especially since I’ve been melting down all over Jezebel the last few days over an emergency due to my son’s situation.

Years ago, some very kind person paid my rent directly to my landlord’s office and left $500 cash in an envelope on the windshield of my car, anonymously, 2 weeks before Christmas. I’ve never been more thankful for anything in my entire life. I quite literally fell down to my knees and cried happy tears. I’m crying

My father-in-law is supposed to be getting married in June to the woman he’s been dating for 10+ years now. They were high school sweethearts who broke up when he went to college (60+ years ago). Each married someone else, had kids and full lives, and only reconnected after both became widows. They waited this long to

I know conspiracy theories can be comforting, with that blend of “it’s bigger than us so it’s not my fault” and “I know what’s really going on, can’t fool me!” but comfort can lead to complacency, which can lead right off a cliff. 

Here in Connecticut there haven’t been many confirmed cases yet, ten, I think, but almost all the schools are closed, people from the big insurance companies have been working from home since the beginning of the month, so I think we as a state might be able keep it more in check.

I’m hoping that people are starting to take it seriously. Our state went from zero cases to two, to 12 to something like 25. It isn’t looking great. And that doesn’t even count people like me - likely exposed, but still untested, waiting for the person further up the exposure chain to have their test come back. It was