many bells down, now with .1% more pig

Coke is cheaper.

You could have 100 women write down 10 things they are looking for from their ideal partner, compile that data and create a list of 10 or 12 things that women are looking for, become the ideal embodiment of those things, make it your life’s work to make sure that you have those 10 or 12 characteristics, and you can

“You could have 100 women write down 10 things they are looking for from their ideal partner, compile that data and create a list of 10 or 12 things that women are looking for, become the ideal embodiment of those things, make it your life’s work to make sure that you have those 10 or 12 characteristics, and you

I dated a lot before I got married.

My issue isn’t that the drama in the show is based on superficial issues, but that the show has a bizarre tendency to make what minimal drama it establishes evaporate. For example:

Deepti is clearly superior to him in every possible way, but I’ve been surprised to find myself feeling a little bit for Shake. He seems to be struggling with a lot of internalized racism, and perhaps some other issues that do not allow him to connect with a woman both physically and emotionally at the same time. A

I suspect a major driver of this interaction distance regression is the contracts they have with sponsored stops - sponsored stops are a major revenue stream, and it’s probably a legal issue with the agreements they have with Niantic re: foot traffic generated by a tighter interaction radius.

Please stop throwing out this straw man on this. Nobody is asking or wants to sit in one place and play. The radius changes made the game better. You still have to get out and about to play it.

I think maternity flight suits are a great idea. I was never more ready to blow a motherfucker out of the sky than when I was pregnant.

Excuse me, but WTF is the problem? They’re married. Jesus didn’t say shit about having an OnlyFans! Being Christian must be hard.

ROFL...neighbors and parents “discovered” the site, huh? Any word on which dad or dads outed her to the rest? Jesus is fine with us LOOKING at OnlyFans,’s only the posters who need to be kicked out. You couldn’t pay me to send my kids to a Catholic school. 

Lest you think we don’t have such crap in this country, here’s a list of the shit I heard and read on magazine covers when I was pregnant:

My husband built his own shed, so I get the whole house!

If I had a backyard, I would definitely have installed some sort of shed this year - for my husband the loud conference call talker.

I think it confused me because he is practically identical to the Dave from last year, who was gay. So they fused in my mind.

Those were probably the least inspired showstoppers for a final in the history of the series, and I’m not convinced that more time would have saved it.

My favorite moment was when she addressed the fact that British people pronounce genoise as “gen-oh-wheeze.” ““Well, if you’re gonna speak a language, you’ve got to make the effort.” KWEEN.

Regardless of sexual orientation you are correct that the Mr. Spoon comment was way the fuck off base.

Agree 1000%. “Oh, this jelly cake business is some white people shit.” It could be a Root post all on its own. 

The highlight of this week for me was when Hermine described jelly cake as “an Anglo-Saxon thing”, and the utter contempt she put into the word “Anglo-Saxon” was perfect. She may be on The Great British Bake Off, but that does not mean she has to like anything British.