many bells down, now with .1% more pig

Happy birthday! I hope you enjoyed your massage!

This might be a duplicate - my posts haven’t been posting consistently lately.

People are starting to panic shop here, and I’m starting to worry about what will happen if everyone is quarantined? Will I not be allowed to go to work? Will I lose my job? We did our best to celebrate my husband’s birthday yesterday, much more subdued than usual, but I managed to badly decorate a cake, an orange

It’s doesn’t. At the start it clarifies that this person preferred the pronouns s/he and h/er and then goes on to use their pronouns as much as any other piece. The so much emphasis seems to be coming from you.

Man, I’m gonna move in with that guy.

This will be my Sunday, every Sunday, after retirement, coronavirus or not.


Now that the 80 year old’s been to Costco, he’s for sure signed his own death warrant. Smart way to go, let the last cough be wine stained.

I’m glad you’re recovering, but so sorry to hear about your husband’s son.  That’s never a  happy thing (I know; I’ve had dangerous family members) but you have to be safe.

Oof! That’s a very busy time you’ve been having!

God bless you, person. My son had cocksaxie last year and if nothing else it taught him to wash his goddamn hands. Seriously, thank you for what you do.

They’re not quite the same breed as American pit bulls, but share common ancestors.

Our pit bull is made of muscle and iron, is extremely enthusiastic and full of energy, thinks she’s about half her actual size, and she LOVES people and literally wants to hug them. Probably scary as hell if you don’t know her.

I completely understand why she has dropped and I still broken. FUCK this country. This is the smartest, most competent, most capable and genuine candidate in the whole field but the ignorant voters want to keep the status quo and go with another goddamned old white guy. FUCK this country.

Strongly seconding getting measured at Nordstrom — being properly fitted there (and coming to understand the support comes from the band, not the straps) did away with a lot of my back pain.

My daughter worked there one year while in college for three weeks during holiday break. She described it as pure hell. She’d be thrilled to see them all become Taco Bell Cantinas. 

The hat of Gat reminds me a bit of the Valeyard’s cowl.

Good to hear from you, many bells!

Welcome back. You sound like you have a mix of good and not so great stuff happening to you. I can tell you a funny story about a hysterectomy: my friend went in to have one, and she overheard two women talking and one was also getting a hysterectomy too and she said to her friend: “ I am not leaving this hopital with

I paid off my mortgage yesterday! It took me 18 years, but it was 7 years early on a 25 year mortgage.

I just had a camera in my knee last Friday, but no robots, sadly. Modern surgery is very awesome. Congrats on your job! I hope you have ample time to rest up before you get back at it!