many bells down, now with .1% more pig

My late husband had a medium form of AFRID and while he pretty much only consumed various forms of chicken, white bread, and a few specific vegetables and fruits, he had this weird love of spicy things. If it was spicy and had only one, not mushy, texture he’d probably consume it. Indian food was out of the question,

My neighbor threw up any seafood while growing up.

Wow. This is a very eye opening post. My younger brother is Autistic and I believe he also suffers ARFID but was never diagnosed. This is actually the first time I have heard of this. He is for the most part non-verbal and for the past couple of years, he has only been eating chicken tenders and french fries. My

My parents did the same thing with me and a PB&J sandwich when I was around 4yrs old when I wouldn’t try it.

Your General Practitioner really only cares about your diet if you’re overweight, and even then they make more assumptions about what you’re eating than actually asking.

This almost sounds reasonable if you haven’t had to deal with people who have this kind of disorder, but it can actually cause issues, too.

One of my girls is friends with two brothers who both have autism. When they were in pre-school they would only eat mashed foods, then around 3 years old, only mashed potatoes. One of the concerns was this type of condition would develop, which is where I first heard of it.

Also left handed kids would be forced to write with the right hand. Ah the good old days. 

You don't understand how this works. The texture of certain foods makes them physically ill. They will spit out the food if you force it. Doctors tell parents that the kids will outgrow it because they usually do. By the time you realize they aren't going to, they are too old to change without therapy. Force feeding

Yeah, the answer to that horror show was definitely NOT kicking off a paying first class human customer.

Given how frequently my food problems are diagnosed as “being a baby”, I can absolutely believe that men with eating disorders are severely under-reported.

When discussing logic with “Pete” up above, my advice would be don’t bother.

Shoving food into kids’ mouths has never worked for anorexia/bulemia. Growing up in S FL, I’ve come across more than enough wanna-be models suffering from 1 or the other.

As someone with this condition, responding to someone who clearly can’t comprehend it - imagine your brain processing that simple task (in your words) as being force fed razor blades that have been dipped in acid and washed in urine and you’re maybe a fraction along comprehending what this is about.

“He has always been skinny so we had no weight concerns. You hear about junk food and obesity all the time—but he was as thin as a rake.”

I think studies have shown that forcing kids with ARFID to eat foods that they can’t tolerate only makes the condition worse.

and checking the stove and the door lock before leaving the house is healthy, but doing so seven times in a row ritually is OCD. The difference between healthy and unhealthy behavior is one of degrees.

He was skinny, that’s enough for most people to assume he was also healthy.

Holy fucking shit, there’s an actual term for this? I have a friend who’s literally only eaten pizza (pepporoni or cheese only), Reese’s (regular size only because apparently king size tastes different, also no holiday editions), and cooked taco meat with just cheese, no shell or anything, since he was like 7. Also,

I have this condition. It’s a common symptom of autism, as in my case. I hope this boy can find a way to cope with his condition and I hope he gets tested for autism.

There are soooo many stories of people, companies, and organizations who have taken a lot of crap and, in some cases, even had to change their names. And I’m talking about businesses who have had the name Isis for many years, and who had built up a great deal of customer awareness with that name. (The most ridiculous