many bells down, now with .1% more pig

I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:

“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.


Also, there’s this thing called a “Starbuck’s name,” which is what you use when you know they’re going to fuck up your real name. My very white, upper middle class gf uses her middle name “Jane” for exactly this reason.

I was with someone for 5 years that consistently got me gifts that had no thought behind them whatsoever. Stuff that I had never mentioned being interested in or wanting. At one point (when I was 43 years old) he bought me a pair of slippers that looked like zombie heads. The type of slippers that are like sticking

My immediate thought as a member of the IBTC was “he wanted them to be bigger and thinks small breasts are somehow bad.” Like if they’re not DD’s they’ll be cube shaped or something.

“Yes, I understand you want the same basic civil rights as cis people, but have you considered we may have to slightly change the way sports work? Have you?!”

“Critics find her...” is code for a rhetorical construct created by those who fear her very strength. Warren doesn’t lack charisma; to the contrary, she’s got it in abundance, and that’s precisely why this canard is repeated constantly - to convince people that they’re not seeing the very qualities they are seeing.

Pretty much. It’s slightly different so as not to dox myself. He started out with a totally normal cat name. But it didn’t suit his awesomeness. So over the years it’s sort of morphed into this weird name that we keep tacking things onto. Mostly, we now just promote him up in rank. He started out as a captain, then

I don't know why but I really liked this story. It's so oddly specific.

I have a niche audience. 

I have dated men who are shorter than me, men who are balding, men with small nail beds (lol @attica) and many more with these types of deal breakers. None of that bothered me. But when a dude says he’s a DJ, I nope the FUCK out of there. 

Picky eaters.  If a guy won’t even taste something because he doesn’t “like how it looks,” I suspect that he’ll have severe sexual hang-ups.  I also can’t think of a man who won’t eat spicy food as a real man.

I once broke up with a guy because he said he wouldn’t watch a foreign film I recommended to him “because he didn’t like to read movies.”

Envy. I’ve always wanted lovely small breasts. Instead I have more Dolly Partonesque proportions. Dated many guys who expected that once the bra came off they’d stand at attention like traffic cones. Getting that disappointed look was always fun (especially since none of them had a physique that turned heads)

I only date theremin players.

Deliciously petty

I feel you. I never understood the attitude that “No one in Seattle/Portland/Drizzletown carries an umbrella.” I grew up in a rainy town and 100% will carry an umbrella if it’s raining because I fail to understand why large amounts of a particular sort of weather means you’re less prepared for it. If you live in a

I went out with a guy in college who wore his watch on his right wrist even though he was also right handed. It annoyed me so much I never went out with him again. If he had been a lefty, it would have been fine. 

I’d been on a couple very lovely dates with a lovely man. We were going to Netflix and Chill and went to a liquor store to grab some drinks before heading to my place. We split up to go pick out our respective drinks and he returned with.... Mike’s Hard Lemonade LIGHT. I feigned period cramps when we got back to my