many bells down wears many stupid hats

I ... but ... she DIDN’T say that.

OR it is and has been “big league” all this time, but misheard, in the same way some folks mispronounce “for all intents and purposes” and “deep seated” but no one has ever bothered correcting him.

Great, so Trump was up there tweaking for an hour and a half straight and they’re still gonna be peddling Clinton health conspiracies.

I love the “She’s still dying” remark. So am I, so is the poster. We’re all dying. I’d be a lot more concerned if she WASN’T dying. :P

Well that’s why you don’t buy the exploding ones. You should buy the soaked in vodka-apparently it’s an epidemic.

Clearly he has the best temperament.

I was too... WAS being the operative term. During marriage counseling he basically said I was never allowed to have a critism of him or his behavior because then he would fixate on it and he would be convince that I hated him. He also said that I was not allowed to have an emotional response to his verbal abuse or

YES. I would completely read a parody Regency with this as the plot/character setup.

So, the Republican party only believes a woman has ever been actually sexually harassed if it is done by a Democrat in the White House. Got it.

Wait...what??? I missed that.

I don’t know but there should be a warning on the box or something!

The thing is that it’s probably all legal. There are tons of tax loopholes and shelters available for the rich.

As a middle aged woman I can let you know that no tampons I’ve come across have ever exploded but your miles may vary? Question mark?

This is truth, but I fear that by remaining dignified and presidential while he is slavering at the lips, only one of them is giving the peepuls, bless their black flabby hearts, what they want. Panem et circenses. Giving the people what they want may not sound important, until all the dumb geeks are standing in the

Except in every good regency romance the duke eventually redeems himself. I strongly doubt the Trumpet would ever be able to do that, even if he wanted to.

This is amazing

Why must everyone criticize Donald Trump?! It’s so unfair.

Off topic but I’m just gonna leave this here...

“You know, the mic was very bad, but maybe it was good enough to hear breathing”

We couldn’t hear him? That’s what he’s going for? Weak Donald, real weak. He also screamed like a jackass into your mic the whole night. He sorta reminded me of my grandma.