Which is a huge pain when you’re trying to buy a baby gift for someone who’s chosen not to reveal the gender. Gymboree used to have a decent selection of neutral clothing, but not anymore!
“Baby” should be its own gender until the age of 5 or so.
Okay, but there’s a whole list of people who survived things like “parachutes not opening when they jumped from a plane”. I didn’t say it was probable. Just that it is, in fact, possible.
I lost it at Mjolnir tucked into a little drawer-bed.
“Don’t listen!”
My husband kept saying “I had no idea Chris Hemsworth was so funny!” and I was like “HOW?” His comedic timing as Thor is perfect, even as he’s playing straight-man.
Mr. Bells and I keep talking about a new mattress but we can’t ever seem to commit. And he’s afraid a new one will hurt his back because he’s used to the old shitty mattress, so we just keep not doing it.
And people do sometimes survive falls that should have killed them. Not often, but that minuscule chance still sounds better than burning to death.
I get retroactive panic attacks when I remember my daughter really WANTED to climb Angel’s Landing. And I didn’t let her because fuck no. And it’s been almost 10 years.
I’ve camped up there too, and we weren’t even allowed to have fruit-scented shampoo in our cabins. Bears don’t know the difference between strawberry-scented Pert and actual strawberries. At least twice someone opened their cabin door to find a bear inside because they hadn’t listened.
While I totally agree that being out there at 3am was a poor decision, she worked at the park. I don’t think “some foreigner seeing it for the first time” is a fair or apt description.
Wearing the clothes you want to wear is not “degrading”. If I went to the beach in a rash guard and some surf leggings, maybe wrapped a scarf over my hair to keep the sun off, I’d be equally covered. Some women of all races, ethnicities, and religions WANT to cover their bodies for various reasons. I’d say it’s…
I got a big ol’ Smashbox palette of neutrals with Birchbox points and it’s gonna last me forever. I hardly wear makeup as it is.
Wouldn’t it be nice if they’d just trust us to dress ourselves? I mean, yesterday at the beach I saw a dude in green plaid shorts and a blue-and-orange stripe polo shirt and that’s way more offensive than a burkini could ever be.
Yeah, and I didn’t even labor. I had a planned c-section for medical reasons. So you’d think everything down there would be more or less intact but apparently not.
No I think it was some Discovery Channel documentary or something. It was at least 15 years ago. These were all kids who said they “really wanted” a baby.
I saw a TV show once where they gave them to 2 boys and 2 girls. I remember one of the boys left his under a tree while he played football for an hour. It was apparently screaming the whole time and he never noticed.
I didn’t either, but apparently people in the years both before and after me did. I have a sneaking suspicion they only did it in the lower-level science/health courses. And the one person I knew that got pregnant her junior year was a straight-A student in honors classes so that didn’t work out either.