many bells down wears many stupid hats

I haven’t said the Pledge since I was old enough to learn what all the words I was saying actually meant. I’m opposed to kids being told to recite an oath without being told what it is they’re swearing to. I’ll stand for it, but I haven’t said it since 4th grade (except for that time I had to learn it in Spanish for

My uncle’s a Marine and a Vietnam vet (and tragically, a Trump supporter) and he’s fully supportive of women in the Marines. I’m not sure trans people are even on his radar, though.

40% off that lightsaber skirt I’ve been coveting for months ... aaaaand it’s bought.

40% off that lightsaber skirt I’ve been coveting for months ... aaaaand it’s bought.

We’ll be “Team Day Drinking”

OHHH like the cereal! Hey Mikey likes it!

Seriously, 7 billion people in the world, we do not need to bring poor children into it just to suffer.

I finally nailed “Guns and Ships” on our road trip last week. LAFAYETTE!

You gotta warn people about Tepper, though. Nothing in the first two chapters of her books will make any sense. You just have to hang on and trust all the loose ends will be explained and tied up by the end.

The blue one looks better than it is. The inside is absolute shit and needs to be fixed. It’s too bad I made that one before I bought myself a serger, that’d have worked a lot better on the knit fabric.

idk if it counts as “beauty”, but I made two new dresses this month and I think I look pretty good so I’m posting them.

All I’ve got is some red moscato that tastes slightly better than cough syrup, so I’m going with that.

Oh I can only imagine how tempting that true red curly hair is. Heck, I kinda want to touch it myself ;)

It happens WAAAAAY more often to Black people but I’m white as mayonnaise and people have occasionally groped my curls also. Something about hair that’s “different” makes people’s fingers itchy.

My stylist is not (although she told me she’s taking some DevaCurl classes soon), AND she cuts my hair wet, but she’s amazing and knows exactly how I want it so I’m keeping her forever. Possibly in my garden shed if she tries to move away.

oh my god anyone who comes at my hair with a brush is gonna lose the hand that’s holding it.

I once spent 10 minutes, with pictures, describing to a new stylist how I wanted my hair layered for the curl. He cut it and then tried to give me a blowout. I NEVER straighten my hair, so I honestly wasn’t aware he was doing that until he was half done. Then I caught sight of myself and screamed.

I dunno what Truffle is using, but Moroccan Argan Oil is fantastic for curls. Even my fine, frizzy white-girl curls.

I wish I’d thought fast enough to do that to the old dude who boinged one of my curls in passing as I walked into the post office. I’m not your fucking Shirley Temple.