many bells down wears many stupid hats

You’ll need 2.5 uninterrupted hours and a large box of Kleenex. Fair warning.

He’s the human embodiment of a beagle puppy: loud, boisterous, hyperactive, and completely adorable.

He tweets so much I don’t know how he gets anything else done. And I’m not even ON Twitter, I only see what gets to his Facebook.

Wait, what do you mean “no super slow sad numbers”? Have you somehow NOT sobbed your way through “It’s Quiet Uptown”??

That’ll keep motherfuckers out of my personal space, all right.

Honestly I think that might be my favorite too. I have fond memories of being stage crew on a local production of 1776. I’ve flashed the Continental Congress, is what I’m saying.

I’ve gone through the whole show on because I get most of the theater references, but I knew I was missing a ton of the rap/hip-hop ones.

I don’t think it’s awful, but I voted no because I just can’t stand to have things touching my throat. Turtlenecks, chokers, even some high crew-necks are right out for me.

As another musical theater fan, it is a technically brilliant work. LMM carries themes and leitmotifs across half a dozen musical styles. There’s multiple layers of wordplay in the lyrics. He’s managed to make a cabinet meeting about government finances entertaining.

Okay actually I *might* be mistaken. I saw it on a list of Netflix’s canceled shows, but it appears that Season 3 may have already filmed. So maybe it’s season 4 that got canceled.

I know! So mad! That show was pretty much the best television I’ve seen in years. They somehow made an angrily feminist show about a guy who murders women and it’s fucking brilliant.

Ahhh this is good news since I just found out The Fall didn’t get picked up for a third season. If I can’t have Gillian Anderson kicking ass, I’ll take Aidan Turner’s cute smirk.

Oh, that wasn’t allowed at most of the places I worked. We daren’t piss off the parents, you see. So we’d just keep calling all the listed contact numbers, over and over, and then we’d have to apologize for the extra charges.

Having worked in several daycares, I’m sorry to say that the $5/minute charges are because parents will abuse the shit out of the pickup time otherwise. I’ve had parents show up two HOURS after closing because they were doing holiday shopping (heck, I’ve had people show up super late when the daycare was on-site at

Sorry, I didn’t word that well. Most of the letters she gets asking if something is illegal are not actually illegal. The one thing that comes up a lot that is actually illegal is “My boss says we get fired if we talk about our salary”.

The funny thing is, AAM gets a lot of letters saying “My boss/employer did/said this, is it legal?” and most of the time the answer is “It’s shitty, but it’s not illegal.” I think the one I’ve seen most that’s actually not legal to do is preventing employees from discussing salary.

bu... i ... she ...

That’s funny, because I totally read the letter as being written by a woman. Although that might be because AAM defaults to “she” if the gender of the writer isn’t specified.

I got my wedding time off approved, and a few weeks after I came back from my honeymoon I found out my grandfather was dying. I was denied two days off because “You just took a vacation.”

Oh, yeah, the comments were full of people explaining how illegal it is to coerce someone to donate an organ, and that all they need to do is mention it to the clinic staff to have it shut down.