many bells down wears many stupid hats

Apparently, the product release that they needed to support was what came up suddenly. The graduation wasn’t a day that the employee normally would have worked.

You should see some of the OTHER letters Alison’s had this year. There’s a manager who keeps showing up to his employee’s chemotherapy treatments to talk about non-urgent work matters (and he lies to the clinic and claims to be family), and a boss who required all employees to be tested to be a liver donor for his

lol I had ancestors on the fucking Mayflower and I don’t think THEY came here “legally”.

After the Kinja recommendation, I picked up a bottle on sale at Ulta. While I love the color, it stains the CRAP out of my nails. Anyone have a rec for something that actually gets the color OFF?

After the Kinja recommendation, I picked up a bottle on sale at Ulta. While I love the color, it stains the CRAP out

There’s a story that Sean Connery’s opening voiceover is so echo-y because he recorded it in a bathroom. A bathroom in a villa in Spain, because he was working with a voice coach on his Spanish accent.

And Lynn, and Kim, and Ashley. My father-in-law’s middle name is Kim, and all his siblings call him that. Also, Brett used to be a girls name. Names don’t go female-to-male as often though.

I went to school with 3 siblings named Sunshine, Windy, and Ocean. Windy was the only girl. Sunshine and Ocean were like caricatures of So Cal surfer dudes. They didn’t have much choice with those names.

I love that Gary’s tongue is always hanging out like that. What a derpy guy.

I’ve got two celiacs in the house. There’s no wheat in my pantry! (actually there probably is because my husband is bad at checking labels even though he’s got celaic.)

I hate you. During the winter it’s like I’m wearing fur shorts. And it grows weird on the backs of my thighs; I can shave for half an hour and still have tons of hair back there.

Now that I think about it, they were probably trying to be “nice”. “We don’t think she’s huge! She’s only like a size 8 but that’s not our sample size!”

Or Cher.

Yeah I’m thinking Kristen Wiig or Kate McKinnon are probably a lot closer to a size 8. Hell, I’m a 10-12 at 5'5" and 150 (and that’s the top end of the “normal” range on a BMI chart).

Honestly at this point in my life I’m not always entirely sure where the pubes end and the Chewbacca-esque thigh hair begins. I am a fuzzy woman.

This is why I buy boardshorts or suits with boyshort bottoms. I can’t be arsed to trim the bush enough to make sure it’s contained in a string bikini bottom.

Yeah, I tried it a couple of times but my hair grows too fast. It’s not worth the effort for annoying painful stubble the very next day.

Honestly I think it’d be a great teaching tool to have students choose a song and then tell which parts are historically accurate and which aren’t. Obviously not every song will work for that, but it’d be a neat lesson plan.

But no one is sure, because they all weren’t looking so they could deny they knew there was a duel. It cracks me up that you could publicly challenge someone to a duel, write letters about the duel, show up to the dueling ground and handle the pistols, and then turn around at the last second and go “what duel? IDK how

I am not really a fan of jumpsuits in general, so I suppose I’m biased. You’re right, though, they are definitely better on someone really tall!

Seriously, I was wondering why Four was getting no love.