many bells down wears many stupid hats

The first time I saw that jumpsuit I was like “wtf were you thinking Melissa?!” but it’s growing on me. I kind of like it now.

This is the thing about bras in general that drive me nuts. It’s “bad” if our nipples are obvious, but it’s also “bad” if it’s obvious we’re wearing a bra, because “omg your straps are showing!” or whatever. I honestly think society wants us to just magically have smooth Barbie-boobs that stay up by themselves.

It’s not actually that much bigger than a regular beach umbrella. I know it looks huge in the picture, but for some reason they always show the “XL” model in the advertisement. Everyone uses them around here (and I live near a lake, not the ocean, so the beach isn’t even that large).

It’s not actually that much bigger than a regular beach umbrella. I know it looks huge in the picture, but for some

I was just thinking about the amount of crap I bring just to paddle my kayak on a calm lake surrounded by homes on all sides.

Haha yeah, Valencia is nowhere near a beach! I used to live in Thousand Oaks AND Ventura, so just an hour or so down the 126 to Magic Mountain. Where it would always be about 120 degrees because ocean breezes don’t reach that far.

It runs between the Space Needle and a mall! That would be a very specific commute LOL!

Hah I was watching some crime show set in NYC and the detectives are investigating a woman who jumped from a bridge. The Colorado Street bridge, in Pasadena, CA, and she fell into the Arroyo Seco. I mean, I suppose it’s accurate in that that particular bridge was popular for suicides.

I’ve got a friend who lives in LA near this building, and apparently they celebrated the opening with fireworks and a projection that made it look like the building was on fire. Yeah. She spent the evening trying to figure out if she needed to evacuate.

There’s one of those about a block over, and I’ve considered building one but ... most of the people who walk by my house are kids on the way to the elementary school at the end of the block. I am not sure they’d be interested in my books. Maybe some of the parents?

That I cannot tell you, because I loathe eggplant and would have ignored that particular menu item.

There used to be a pizza place by Mr. Bells’ old apartment that would deliver growlers of beer with your order. GOD I miss that place.

Last time we moved, the mover told me I could have saved a lot of money if I got rid of some books.

I prefer regular books for a few things: the smell, the feeling, and for some reason I find it easier to keep track of my place in the story. BUT: my bookshelves are literally overflowing; books are stacked 2 and 3 deep on multiple shelves and I still don’t have room for all the books I own.

I feel for my poor baby sister, who is like a 34G and attracts a lot of unwelcome male attention. Especially since she’s gay, and has been with the same girl since they were both 15 (she turned 21 yesterday).

They were totally these, weren’t they? Harlot.

Pants=death in childbirth. It’s just simple logic!

I bet you she complains on Facebook about how everyone is so sensitive and offended by everything these days.

I don’t deliberately put things under my bed, but somehow stuff keeps migrating there.

It’s like I said about the gorilla incident; you assume that anything targeted toward families with kids is going to be generally safe for them. You assume a zoo is built to keep people out of the exhibits. You assume Disney World doesn’t have man-eating reptiles lurking around every corner.

She got a one-day suspension because the kid’s parents complained. Keep in mind that my daughter is 95 lbs on a good day and this dude was like 6 feet tall.