many bells down wears many stupid hats

My kid can sing ... but she can’t really act. I can act, but I can’t sing. Between the two of us we’d make a pretty good Braodway performer, I guess.

I really want to watch this because I love Tulip but ... I could barely make it through the comic. I don’t handle gore well AT ALL.

ohhh I missed that comment. I was suuuper confused there.

I don’t think I could call myself a “huge fan” of hip-hop, or of a lot of musical styles really. Because really what I’m a fan of is: things that have unusual juxtapositions and things that subvert expectations. So the Founding Fathers rapping? Yes. The story of Jesus told in 60's rock music? Yes. Chaphop? Yes. Rai

I ... what?

I actually thought they were doing “Wait For It” from the rehearsal preview they dropped. Should I ... er. Wait for it?

Also that number from “Bright Star”. At first I wasn’t sure I liked it, but by the end I’m like “dang I gotta listen to this.”

Oh my god this. There has not been a day in the two months since I first listened to it that some song hasn’t been playing in my head.

My husband was like “Well I mean ... it’s ok, but I don’t like hip-hop.” Then I made him listen to the WHOLE thing. He cried.

CBS keeps claiming it’s a LIVESTREAM! Fuck you CBS! It was over 2 hours ago!

And they always use the photo of the SportBrella XL, which is not usually the one that’s being sold.

And they always use the photo of the SportBrella XL, which is not usually the one that’s being sold.

Because Trump is *~*MAGIC*~* apparently. Who needs a president that knows anything? We have MAGIC!!!!!!! sells tuxes occasionally for $100-ish. I keep thinking I should buy my husband one but most of our friends are all married already by now.

My insurance didn’t want to pay for the combo PET/CT anniversary cancer scan that my doctor wanted. They said it’s only medically necessary if they think the cancer might be back. It’s only been 5 years, how are we supposed to know if it’s back without the scan!?

Yeah most of the people I see doing this are white guys. They’re gonna be just fine if Trump gets in, because they’re always just fine.

Thiiissss. My hashtag is #notgonnalettrumpfuckupthesupremecourtforthenext30years.

See, I was all for Sharon and Steve in that movie, but in Civil War he has chemistry with literally everyone else BUT Sharon.

I’ve got a romance novel where the hero gives the girl a pair of high-heeled bunny slippers as a gift and those are EXACCCTLLYYY the shoes I picture. I want them.

I played it once on XBL. I rolled the first seven, moved the robber, and ... the guy who had that hex started screaming at me over his mike and didn’t stop. The other two players thought this was hilarious so they kept putting the robber back there, all the while the guy is still swearing at ME and only me.

Elliot Rodger had years of mental health treatment. Therapy, counseling, etc. He was still able to buy a bunch of guns and shoot up Isla Vista.