many bells down wears many stupid hats

She actually already HAD a prom date. And he asked her the day before prom - I don’t know about his school, but my daughter’s school wasn’t even still selling tickets that late.

When they’re in that elevator, going down to the supersoldier complex, I heard my husband mutter “now ... KISS!”

Steve had chemistry with literally everyone in the film EXCEPT Sharon. And I was rooting for them until Civil War.

When my daughter was 2, she insisted on being a flamingo for Halloween. I didn’t even know she knew what a flamingo was at that point. But I made her a flamingo outfit out of pink panne velvet and feather boas and she loved it.

Presidents up until FDR just did two terms because Washington stepped down after two, so it was traditional. It always kind of blows my mind that that was the only reason up until then.

My daughter insisted on purchasing a white one-piece the other day. I tried to warn her.

I’m gonna get some of those for kayaking. So my legs don’t get all crispy.

I love the word “feminazi”, because then I know I can just stop listening to anything that person says. Same with “sheeple”.

I’m “Just because I’m 43 doesn’t mean I want a goddamn tankini, Target.”

Me, during every POI episode where Bear is not on screen:

The whole thing is practically an autobiography of Miranda himself. If there’s reincarnation, I think we know who Alexander Hamilton came back as.

I honestly have no idea how he has time to tweet like that. I don’t have Twitter, but his tweets all post to Facebook and sometimes they’re half my feed.

I’m not a wildlife expert, but it does seem to me like that would make a difference. Binti Jua was carrying her own child on her back when she rescued the boy. At the risk of anthropomorphizing, I’d say she had a maternal feeling toward the child.

I think there’s a marked difference between this and the Binti Jua episode. Binti picked up the child around the waist and carried him to an exit where a keeper was. Apparently, the keepers tried to call in the gorillas in Harambe’s exhibit, and they all went in but him. He wasn’t bringing the child to safety.

Some of the later books really struggle. There’s an awful lot of “wandering around the world meeting different dragons” and “bad stuff happening to everyone” and not the charming historical fiction the first few books had. I think it was better on the smaller scale of England At War, and the one trip to China. I

Hot damn on that dress tho.

It’s shades of “I’m your manic pixie dream girl! I play Halo naked! Let’s play strip Magic!”

I’m Tillamook Salted Butterscotch. Smooth and salty!

I made the mistake of downloading MeetMe to find some friends (and I can’t get Hey VINA on Android). Hooollly shit that app is the worst. Horrible UI, no one reads profiles. I put the dumbest photo of myself I could find and I’m still getting “hay baby wut u doin?” messages.

Oh this is better.