many bells down wears many stupid hats

Of course, he’s ignoring the fact that SHE wasn’t the one who named him.

Nah, they just go for the prescription drugs, because they’re “doctor approved”.

I have to drive about 10 miles to go to Target, so it’s not convenient, but I think I need to go shopping.

I’d nibble his cupcake.

Yeah and if they’re so concerned that a man is going to put on a dress just to have access to the women’s room ... well, now he doesn’t even need to do that, he can just say he’s a trans man and go in there looking as manly as he likes.

We didn’t have my husband’s certificate of birth abroad until just a few years ago. He was born in Guatemala City just after the 1976 earthquake. Issuing birth certificates was not a high priority. It took his mom about a month of playing phone tag with the embassy to finally get it. I have no idea what she was doing

Yeah that’s the thing! I was just looking online at Macy’s and they assume that if you want shorts you also want a tankini to cover your entire hideous torso or something. If I’m gonna wear that much clothing to the beach I might as well just wear ... clothes.

See, this is the slippery slope I see. They’re thinking it’s going to be obvious who the trans women are. But I am a 100% cis woman with several stereotypically masculine characteristics; my shoulders are broad, my Adam’s apple is prominent, my voice is low enough that if you don’t know I’m a woman you’d say I’m a

Oh man, I had this awesome halter top/boyshort suit from ZeroXposur that I wore for aaages and then I gained weight and while it still almost fit, the top was courting a wardrobe malfunction every time I moved.

I was wearing a huge swishy cape a couple of weeks ago (comicon) and it’s so cool. I walked differently: head up, back straight, striding with confidence knowing my awesome huge cape was billowing out behind me.

And like ... are there going to be dudes lurking around the bathroom entrances judging who goes in? Because THAT’S not fucking creepy or anything! And frankly, if we had a “who looks more feminine, Janet Mock or many bells down?” contest, I would lose.

The argument I’ve been seeing a lot now is “Well if a guy goes in there NOW, you can complain. But if we let anyone use the bathroom, it’s illegal to complain about them!”

A guy I turned down for a drink attempted to follow me into a nightclub bathroom. He was stopped by the lesbian bouncer who did NOT follow me in, even though she was totally allowed to and had also been hitting on me earlier.

Well and if I go for the (admittedly very cute) retro look, I can get “high-waisted bottoms”. Again, they’re cute, but it’s not my stomach I care about. It’s having to shave everything within an inch of my life so that I don’t have riotous pubes escaping from my bottoms. Frankly I think it’s kind of weird that bathing

Yeah I’m so frustrated by swimsuits - not because I don’t like how I look, but because I just can’t find what I want: a bikini top with some support (not a fucking bandeau with a stupid ruffle) and bottoms that are SHORTS. And that comes in more colors than black.

Something like that happened in Seattle recently; a dude walked into a women’s locker room and said he had the right to be there. He did not claim to be transgender. He did not claim to be a woman. He was just a dude, being an asshole for the sake of it. Which I think is a perfectly valid reason to throw anyone of any

I was totally wearing a gigantic cape. Going to the bathroom was a process.

I was thinking it might be some distortion from the lens? The cake really does look weird.

My cousin has found a fondant that doesn’t taste like plasticy death. She has to specially order it, and it’s expensive, but her cakes are fucking amazing.

That’s the one! :D