many bells down wears many stupid hats

There was just a letter on “Ask a Manager” from someone who worked at a company that was 90% men, and there was starting to be a wait for the mens rooms. The company had the (bad) idea to convert some of the womens rooms to mens. A lot of people pointed out that it was kind of funny that women have been waiting in

I have had this same thing happen. Only it was the fabric store/Starbucks. Thanks Google, I know I have no life.

And these will be the same people who insist that their sons “just naturally” like cars and guns and their daughters “just naturally” like pink baby dolls. So removing the labels is going to change this inclination that you’re assuring me is “just natural”?

It makes me mad because they’re conflating two totally different things anyway: people of whatever gender using the restroom, and people being creepy assholes in the restroom. Anyone who wants to pee, wash their hands, and leave I don’t care about. Anyone of any gender who wants to leer through the gap in the stall

I was on a road trip with a group of women and this same thing happened when we stopped for a bathroom break. The ladies I was with all lined up at the women’s single bathroom. I looked over at the open men’s and went in, and they were SHOCKED.

We are sisters, because I plunk my ass on the seat and I don’t use the paper ever unless it’s super gross and there’s no other option (and then there’s probably not a paper thing in there anyway). I have never caught anything from a toilet seat in 40 years.

It’s hilariously sad to me that they see no difference between “we just didn’t label this toy” and “we want all your children to be transgender communist heathens”.

Yeah I remember a goth club in L.A. that had one giant restroom. I didn’t even realize it was the only one and everyone was using it until like the 3rd time I’d been there.

I inherited, sort of. My grandmother was a chapter head in Massachusetts for a decade so there wasn’t a lot of difficulty getting vetted. But I was living in California when I signed up and I don’t think I’m actually on the roster anymore. I should re-up.

I mean, the worst internet flame war I ever saw was between women who sit and women who “hover”. The hoverers think the sitters are vile filthy creatures, and the sitters are like “it wouldn’t be gross if you weren’t spraying pee everywhere!” It went on for MONTHS.

I start tearing up at the Battle of Yorktown. What can I say, I’m a DAR, it gets to me.

I have on occasion seen a line for the women’s SINGLE bathroom while the men’s stands open. I waltz right in there. It’s not like I’m required to use the urinal!

Yes. I have. Trust me, women can be just as - if not more - disgusting. There’s more blood involved, for one.


I have a blast, although it’s a LOT of people which is exhausting.

Two weeks ago I was at a comicon with all-gender restrooms. I have no idea what gender anyone in there was, we were all too busy trying to keep our capes and space marine armor out of the toilets.

Right? Dudes keep asking that, and I’m like “okay, why do you want to go in there? Because you feel like a woman inside? Great, go for it. Because you want to be an asshole? Go rethink your life.”

These are probably all the same people that said they were boycotting Target when they took the gendered signs out of the toy aisles.

This is a lot like a book I loved as a kid, A Circle in the Sea by Steve Senn. This guy gives a ring he found in the ocean to his daughter, and when she sleeps she wakes up as a dolphin. And eventually she has a harder and harder time waking up, and has to help the other cetaceans, etc.

“I shall go down in history as the man who opened a door!”