many bells down wears many stupid hats

Vegas. I am totally all about Vegas. They make everything so convenient and then everyone can get wasted and gamble and collect stripper cards and whatever.

I feel like “Diva Cup” needs to be in there somewhere.

Kids are so funny, because mine was the opposite: she’d only poop in the toilet, but she’d only pee in her pull-up. Finally I just took all the pull-ups away and by day three she was fine.

My dad had this problem with a nutritionist; she wanted him to eat some ludicrous amount of protein, and when he did the math he was like “this is 6 cans of tuna a day. What exactly am I supposed to cook with that?” She had no suggestions for recipes, just “eat X amount of Y.”

I choose to believe in the Loch Ness Monster because it makes me happy. I don’t care if it’s real, I like the idea. And I’m kind of annoyed that Lake Washington doesn’t seem to have a lake monster.

I mean, I’m sure it’s trolling and doesn’t actually care, but I’m not overly bothered by something I’ve lived with my whole life, so why not engage a little? I’m just killing time over breakfast here.

Mine was planned, at least - the issue that gave me the heart defect also gave me a weird uterus - and my recovery was actually really smooth. Which was good, because babydaddy worked nights and did nothing whatsoever to help. If I’d really not lifted the baby for 6 weeks, neither of us would have been able to get out

This is a workout plan I could follow. As long as I can sub a small dog for the cat, at least.

I didn’t lose hardly any of the pregnancy weight for almost a year. After my daughter was about a year old, I decided the depo shots I was getting weren’t working out for me so I switched birth control ... and the weight melted off in 3 months. Co-workers thought I’d gotten sick. Didn’t change my diet, or my exercise,

RIGHT? And some babies are “floppier” than others. You know how if you go limp, it’s harder for someone to lift you than if you’re holding yourself up? My daughter and her cousin are really close in age and size, but mine was a flopper. Every time I picked up her cousin she seemed 10 pounds lighter.


Yeah laundry is a chore I don’t mind at all - all those soft, warm, fresh-smelling clothes. Things that need to be put on hangers, though, are the worst. I always procrastinate that bit.

The abdominal muscles separating is pretty much par for the course in a pregnancy. I know I was told NOT to attempt any abdominal workouts (like I was gonna lol situps suck) because it would cause the muscles to spread further apart and you’d have more trouble getting tone back afterward.

That is totally what I looked like. Not as late as 39 weeks, I was bigger by then, but that little blob stuck on the front is totally how I was carrying. You couldn’t tell I was pregnant from the back. I was waaayyy underweight when I got pregnant, it was actually nice to be able to put some flesh on.

And likely none of them had c-sections and had to spend 6 weeks minimum doing nothing physical. I wasn’t even supposed to lift the baby for that time.

I don’t know what you mean by “already” because a) I’m 43 so not exactly a spring chicken, and b) if by “already” you mean since the day I was born, well, so are we all.

Oh that makes a lot of sense. I’m only 5'5" and I was carrying all out in front. More like that photo of her at 39 weeks. But yeah if she’s that tall and long-waisted.

I think possibly you’re confused as to what “congenital” means.

Huh, that’s odd, because when I work out I end up prostrated with PVCs and have to up my beta-blockers. It’s almost like I should listen to my cardiologist about dealing with my congenital heart defect instead of random internet people.

Usually not the WHOLE baby, but yeah, you can totally make out body parts sometimes.