many bells down wears many stupid hats

He looks a little like a guy I work with, too. Only my co-worker has glasses and doesn’t yell about fetuses.

I dunno how that is supposed to work with my king-size duvet without my arms feeling like they’re about to fall off. I don’t have the upper body strength to do this.

oh man, my stepson will totally do this too. He’s 15. He has one blanket and I don’t even bother putting sheets on his bed anymore because the fitted sheet is wadded up at the foot of the bed after he sleeps on it once. And he’ll sleep in his jeans. JEANS!

But the Bible basically says you’re going to suffer in life, and heaven is your eternal reward so ... why’s he pissed off that the sweet, innocent babies get to skip all the suffering and go straight to Jesus? I mean, I always figured that’s why suicide was considered a sin - so that the early Christians wouldn’t all


Honestly I’m just waiting for the day that RDJ just changes his name to Tony Stark.

Like Halle Berry as Storm, she just doesn’t seem to “get” superhero movies.

Also when 99% of comic book heroes have been white folks, it’s way more fair to make some of the white guys black or Maori or Vietnamese than to take the few black or Maori or Vietnamese characters and make them white.

I’m all about the costume porn. But anyone who’s not supposed to be Australian has a hilariously bad accent. “Hon hon hon I am FRONCH oui oui!”

The funny part is, for me the kiss was a surprise. I hadn’t shipped them AT ALL. And the minute Reese confesses his feelings and they kiss I was like “Oh shit. She gon’ die.”

All day while he’s at work we send each other /giphy bullshit over Slack.

GAH I WAS SO PISSED AT THAT! Halfway through the season and then some of the WORST eps of the whole series after that (Chinese-gymnast-art-thief/excuse to have women in bodysuits dodge lasers???)And then SHAW who is the best thing on that show and she better not be dead.

Well early on it makes sense. But after working with Foyle for the entire war I’d like to see her mature a little and not be blundering around constantly. Like, she’ll have a moment of clever investigation and then immediately act so obvious and silly that everyone in the vicinity knows she’s up to something.

AND I JUST DISCOVERED THEY’VE GOT SEASON 2 OF Hinterland! If anyone needs me I’ll be sipping tea and watching broody Welshmen mumble unintelligibly.

I love her, I just wish they’d let her character be competent once in a while. At least the later seasons seem like she’s bumbling her way into stuff all the time.

I was watching “Foyle’s War” and there’s a scene that I swear is in the house the Doctor in “Call the Midwife” lives in. I guess they’re only about a decade or so apart.

Fuck the Comte, marry the Comte, kill the Comte and inherit his wealth. ...Am I doing that right?

And you’re giving us Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, so that’s extra unfair!

Annoyed with Prime, though, because they advertised it as “ALL OF DOCTOR WHO”. Yeah, all of Doctor Who from 2005 on. Some of us were kids in the 70's and would like all of Four’s episodes, thank you.

Oh yeah, I got some book recommendations on here last year, and when I tried to get them on Amazon, none of them were available as ebooks. But, I have a friend in England and he said they all showed up in his Kindle store. It’s a fucking ebook! You don’t have to physically ship it from England! Just pipe me those ones