many bells down wears many stupid hats

This is the best birthday present.

I actually have to get mine out too. Somehow 3 of them came all the way, perfectly straight. It baffles my dentists because they look in my mouth and can’t fathom how they fit in there. The 4th one is stuck and poised to knock out a molar, and the other 3 are getting decay.

I finished my Eye of Agamotto for my ECCC cosplay:

HEYYY my birthday is tomorrow, have a drink for me, birthday buddy!

Nope, that’s a UN flag.

And she’s probably never going to get kicked out of a public restroom, even though everyone would know if she was violating one of those stupid bathroom laws.

Seriously that is all I want in my life right now.


ahahahaha omg this scene. I screamed so loud my daughter heard me in the basement and came to see what had happened.

My kid had her wisdom teeth out this morning. I’m going to go stare at the bloody sockets now for a palate cleanser.

My daughter came home high as a kite from having her wisdom teeth out, and she wanted to watch Ghost Adventures on our Amazon account. And she was so stoned she could NOT understand that it wasn’t working. She alternated between “Wait, do I still have teeth?” and “Where’s Ghost Adventures?” for half an hour until it

I had no interest in seeing the reboot of National Lampoon’s Vacation, but I sure watched that clip of Chris prancing around in tight shorts a few (dozen) times.

hahahaha what the fuck

Taxis in my area have phone apps that allow you to both summon and pay for them. And most of the cabs are Priuses. (Prii?)

And she grew up in Paris.

Beat me to it!

Ew yeah, that’s gross. But ours totally contains “bennifer” so I laughed at that. ;)

Uh. Do you know me? Because we totally have an email account like this. But it’s for bills and car registrations and household management stuff that we both need access to. Our personal emails are separate.

I just snort-laughed so hard I choked.

My brother’s wife accidentally had her second at home. She didn’t realize it was actual labor and not Braxton-Hicks until suddenly she needed to push. The paramedics kept asking how far apart her contractions were and my brother is like “... no, the baby is here. It’s out. It’s a girl.”