many bells down wears many stupid hats

I predict a burst of kids wearing the weirdest uniform combinations they can come up with for a few months, before they all go back to wearing what they’re comfortable with. And at that point, no one will even notice if a couple people are still wearing the “wrong” uniform.

You summarized so well what was wrong with that movie. We already HAD that story. And it’s widely considered to be the BEST movie. “Rebooting” is was a stupid, stupid, decision.

I was non-exclusively dating a guy, and he asked me if I wanted to meet another girl he was dating. I was like “uh, no” because why would that even matter?

Bonus points for being in the middle of it. Most guys would wait until they finish ... although, on reflection, I’m not entirely sure that’s better.

jfc dude

oh man ... I mean, thank you, but no. I would pass out every time I touched it. Clearly I’m just gonna have to go back to the pill and pray for menopause.

I’m so so sorry but I cannot stop laughing at “popped out of a bush”. I mean, it probably wasn’t funny in the moment but oh my god

I don’t have any advice but ... is the implant like ... visible? Can you feel it in your arm? Because my doctor put me on the patch but I’m allergic to the adhesive (because my skin is an asshole), so we’re evaluating other options. IUD is out of the question and I get really weirded out by other medical things.

Haha yeah my back was really hurting the other day, so I got down to do some poses and my dog flipped out, rolling all over the floor and trying to lick my face - which he never does, to me, because I don’t allow it (he has terrible breath). I felt like he was trying to do some yoga with me!

Trump would be yelling at it “Only LOSERS cry! Are you a LOSER?!”

Slap some ham on the walls?


I got a 25% off coupon for having a Birchbox sub for 2 years, AND I had $10 in points so I treated myself to a Smashbox eyeshadow palette. It’s all neutrals but that’s 100% how I roll so I’m pleased.

The whole thing is so ridiculous to me. Sure, campaign for your favored candidate, but come one, there’s no one NO ONE on the GOP slate that I’d waste 10 seconds of my life even considering voting for. Whoever gets the Dem nom is getting my vote, because there isn’t an alternative.

I’m drinking some Hefeweizen I found lurking in the back of my fridge, because for some reason all the beer in there is IPAs. I’m the only beer drinker in this house! I hate IPAs! Where did they all come from?!

I know there’s at least one person I know IRL that comments here, but I don’t know her handle.


My mom once told me the reason women hit on me was because I wore combat boots. Guess who I’ve never told I’m bisexual?

This is the best use of cargo pants. Puppies are also acceptable. Or hedgehogs.

When I lived in Los Angeles, where possibly 75% of the population in my area was some kind of Hispanic ... it wasn’t even true, then. But they might have been 75% of the catcallers since they were 75% of the men. Now that I live in the whitest part of Washington state, I’ve literally only been catcalled by white guys.