many bells down wears many stupid hats

I’ve got a distinctive aura that shows up about an hour before, so if I down some medication and get into bed right away I can 99% of the time head the migraine off before it really gets started. And I’m STILL groggy for hours after.

I vote for you for God-Empress of Everything.

I always get a weird sense of dissonance when people have this experience, because I have never lived in a place where I could BUY more than I could RENT. Like, I just calculated the mortgage payment if I bought the house I’m renting, and it’s over $1k more than I’m paying to rent it.

We totally have a Slack for our extended family. Also one for our gaming group because trying to coordinate six adults with families for a hobby-activity is a nightmare.

Hah I told my husband that! He was like “oh well guess Cruz won’t draft me then.” I’m like “babe medically they’d never draft you anyway.” He’s celiac and hypothyroid.

What if we’re just menstruating really hard? Oh wait I HAVE ICE CREAM BRB

I honestly wish that were an option, but I have a heart problem so it’s really really hard to get my doctor to sign off on any voluntary surgeries. Case in point: 4 years ago I had a gigantic lump on my thyroid. Like, goiter-sized. Biopsy came back negative, my thyroid levels were all dandy, but it was really

It’s actually one of my favorite boy’s names. And I’m not part of any Bible-centric religion.

“You’re gonna want to use the hall bathroom this week honey.”

Once, in college, my cramps were so bad that I was walking back from class and whited out. Not blacked out - everything went blindingly white and there was a ringing in my ears. I couldn’t see. It was like in a movie, when a bomb goes off and all the characters are sort of staggering around in slow-motion while

This is a really neat idea and I may try it. I can’t stomach iron pills either, they make me far too nauseated.

I honest to god convinced my doctor to give me vicodin for it. I only need one, that first day - after that the pain is tolerable. Half of one if I need to leave the house and can’t be drugged totally off my ass.

Many octopus, for example, mate at the end of their lives and then die. It’s totally a not-uncommon thing. But menopause is uncommon, so it’s worth a study.

Well I mean I’m pretty sure we might have the urge ...

Well, they’re not passing on their genes so evolution wins again.

It’s funny, because I found so many of the X-Men plots to be totally incoherent in the 90's. But for some reason I still loved them?

Right? Storm is my very favorite superhero and I would KILL for a Storm/Black Panther movie.

This is my feeling on jumpsuits, although I actually like the lines of this one. Not in that material, though.

I feel you. I bought a lovely white silk-blend sweater and managed to stain in the 3 hours. I didn’t even eat anything while wearing it; somehow I just got a huge black streak across the midriff.

I actually really like the lines of that jumpsuit, but yeah, I am really sick of that shiny-trashbag material.