many bells down wears many stupid hats

Pfft, they lacked imagination.

I had totally commented in a different thread that this same guy gave me the equivalent of Marge’s bowling ball. Nailed it.

I think my mother would have died. Or I would have, from the embarrassment. Hell, I went 5 months without telling her I’d gotten my period. I just stole pads out of her bathroom.

OWL is a FANTASTIC program and I cannot recommend it highly enough. The UUs run it, and also the United Church of Christ if you lean more Christian.

You’re braver than I, I refuse to go out to eat over Valentine’s weekend if at all possible. Too many goddamn people and overpriced “special” menus.

Ditto. I’d prefer a gift that says “I saw this and thought of you” over “society mandates that I give you things!” anyday.

It’s funny, because I was raised totally non-religious. We never went to church, and I didn’t know Easter was about anything but bunnies and jellybeans until I was like ... 12. But my mother had still internalized all the sexual hangups of her parents’ generation, so I never really got “the talk”, and I got a lot of

He had no idea why I wasn’t thrilled to get it. I mean, Animaniacs was a good cartoon, but I wasn’t a huge fan of it or anything. Plus we were in our 20's, so why I’d be putting money in a piggy bank at that point?

Mine are:

You are a wise man. (Or woman).

Jesus that’s terrifying. I’m so glad she made it through!

oh my god that is SO fucking ridiculous. And he probably thought it was romantic.

oh yikes! We’re pretty sure mine was a rubella complication. So at least I didn’t pass it on.

I wasn’t talking about heart disease, I was referring to the “classic” heart attack symptoms; crushing chest pain, left arm pain, cold sweats, etc. Women are much more likely to not have these symptoms, and to have symptoms like nausea or light-headedness. And to not be taken seriously and told that it’s “stress” or

Drape some sheer curtains over your head and call it a veil. Now you’re romantic AND mysteriously jalapeno-scented.

I ... actually have a collection of vintage hats. Hanging on my wall. None of them are straw, though.

Oh my gosh, try what we did ... Amazon wish lists. We share an Amazon account so we just add stuff to the list occasionally that we’d like. That way if we really can’t think of anything, we can go over there and say “Hmm, she liked this cashmere sweater.”

I had this problem with my daughter’s ADHD. For some reason doctors were super reluctant to diagnose it. Now she’s about to graduate high school and we’re still trying to find a medication that works because it took so long to even get a diagnosis!

Are you a Tet baby? I’m a Tet baby!

I ... cannot even imagine how unpleasant that imaging equipment must be for men. Like, mammogram machines always seem to me like they were repurposed from some other part of the hospital. You have to contort yourself into an uncomfortable position and hold it. And they’re supposed to be MADE to fit women!